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  1. #1
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Bulk up, critique please

    Hey guys. I need to burn some fat and keep gaining muscle mass at the same time, or at least keep the fat where its at now, but get that musle.
    I am 24, 6`3 at 229 Lbs right now with %16BF.

    I am going to clean my body totally from the inside. Got the #1 rated detox and colon cleanser, for optimal absorbtion. I think this will be a good thing to do.
    Also bought a nice $3400 elliptical for cardio so I have no excuse not to do it.

    Here is my plan for the day, open for all advices.
    I lift at about 85%-90% max.

    7:00 Am
    30 min elliptical at 65% HR

    7:45 Am
    6 egg whites, 1 scoop whey, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, 1 cap ester C1000

    9:40 Am
    1 can sardines, 15ml flax oil, ¼ cup cottage cheese

    12:00 Noon
    8oz fried chicken breast, green vegetable, 3caps fish oil

    3:00 Pm
    8oz fried chicken breast, 15ml flax oil

    6:00 Pm
    8oz fried chicken breast, green vegetable, 3 caps fish oil

    9:00 Pm
    1 can sardines, 15ml flax, ¼ cottage cheese

    9:40 Pm – 10:40 Pm

    11:00 Pm
    PWO 8oz chicken breast, 15ml flax

    11:15 Pm

    Thanks a lot!
    You guys rock!
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 06-09-2007 at 05:02 PM.

  2. #2
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You need to list your macros per meal and total for the day..

    Just off the top, are you scared of eating carbs? If so, why?
    Prepare to feel like shit on that diet.

  3. #3
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    You need to list your macros per meal and total for the day..

    Just off the top, are you scared of eating carbs? If so, why?
    Well, dont want to get fatter than I am. 250-350 carbs a day just seems like too much, or according to Harris formula 380g - 410g in my case, just ridiculous. But I honestly don't know, I was never huge, or extremely strong, so maybe this is why. Not sure what if I should just eat oats all day to get these quality carbs or what.

    Prepare to feel like shit on that diet.
    Hmm, let me guess, because of chicken beeing fried and eating cottage cheese? if not, why so?
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 06-09-2007 at 06:29 PM.

  4. #4
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    feel like shit because of no carbs...

    why do you workout so late and only eat one meal after?

  5. #5
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    The diet just doesn't make sense and the abcense of carbs doesn't either.
    You're not even getting 100 carbs/day, carbs are protein sparring meaning they are needed by the body for energy so the body doesn't turn to protein (or breakdown muscle tissue) in order to generate food for your body to run.

    Fried chicken? What exactly is the extra saturated fats doing to help you lose weight or build muscle?

    No carbs besides vegetables will result in lack of energy, pitiful workouts and lack of glycogen in your muscles.

    That's just a few things to start. I'd study up a bit more on proper healthy dieting and then come up with another strategy?

    -B D

    [email protected]
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    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
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  6. #6
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr

    That's just a few things to start. I'd study up a bit more on proper healthy dieting and then come up with another strategy?

    F**k I just can't do this sh!t. Every f****ing time I try to come up with diet I can handle or follow happens to be a POS bunch of crap. With this pace and understanding of DIET I will never hit my goal, that's for sure.
    Lifting my ass off with little to no results. Sad but true.

    Well, I guess some people are just not ment to be huge and ripped, look lean or whatever.

    Wish I had Your knowledge.

    Take care man.

  7. #7
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    My suggestion would be to first learn the basics of nutrition.

    1g of protein = 4calories
    1g of Carbs = 4 calories
    1g of Fats = 9 calories

    From here you figure you'd need around 2300-2500 calories/day of FOOD (not shakes) to maintain or gain lean bodymass while minimizing fat gain.

    So figure it out:
    Daily Requirements =
    300g protein = 1200calories
    150g carbs = 600 calories
    50g Fats = 450 calories

    Total calories per day 2250.
    Now divide 2250 by 6 meals plus your PWO shake which will consist of about 300 calories putting your at around 2500 calories for the day.

    Each meal should consist of: 50g of protein, 25 carbs, 8g fat.

    It's just that Simple.

    Do some research and just don't expect the knowledge to fall into your lap like I'm doing for you right now.
    Read nutrition books that are approved by college professors or other author's who are well respected in the bodybuilding or sports community.

    Just doesn't seem like some ppl want to learn anything nowadays but rather have everything handed to them, knowledge is power.. the same books I've read are available to each and every person on this board. Start reading.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 06-09-2007 at 06:09 PM.
    -B D

    [email protected]
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    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
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  8. #8
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Appreciate that info! I`ll try to get it right and come back when I have something decent figured out.

    P.S. I am starting my physiology class very soon. I do want to know this stuff.
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 06-09-2007 at 06:12 PM.

  9. #9
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Keep it simple, keep each meal well balanced with good healthy whole foods.

    Keep the foods easy to make in bulk (rice/potatoes/chicken breasts/ground beef) so they can be stored for a few days at a time.

    Keep a list of foods that you enjoy eating that are healthy and stick to those foods, you will not continue to eat things that don't taste good on a normal basis.

    So come up with a diet based on the info in my above post.

    Ex. of two meals on your diet...

    8:00am - 6egg whites, 1 whole egg + tad bit of shredded fatfree cheese + 1/2 cup oats

    11:30 - 6oz chicken breast (cooked weight) + 7oz Yam (cooked) + 1cup green beans.

    2:00p - You take it from here.

  10. #10
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    I see. I really appreciate Your time You spent on writing this.
    About books, could You meantion couple of authors that You believe wrote some of the best ones.

  11. #11
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    First I would recommend college level books pertaining to nutrition (or take a course in your spare time). Problem with most of these beginner courses is it'll only touch on certain food choices/nutritional tips and general information that would help the normal public (not a bodybuilder)..
    But, most ppl seem to not even know this information, so it'd be a great start.

    After you've finished the basic classes, you'd move into more specific classes pertaining to athletes and nutritional needs etc.. This gets pretty interesting but still you've got to have enough common sense to figure out that each athlete doesn't require the same nutritional needs and requires different nutrient timing.

    Chris Aceto has some o.k. books, John Ivy has a good book "nutrient timing".
    You could start there.

    I'm not sure how people expect to see any kind of muscular gains using drugs and working their asses off in the gym if they know nothing about how to properly feed the human body for optimal growth.

    To build muscle you've got to eat the right foods in the right portions at the right times. To lose fat and retain muscle you've got to follow the same protocol.

    Not trying to talk down to anybody, I just happened to have a few extra minutes so I came into your thread to rant a bit and to shed light on the importance of nutrition and how Overlooked it is by most everybody I've ever met.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  12. #12
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    I know how important nutrition is, just dont know too much about it. I know some but not enought to create a DIET, as You can see.
    Well I do have have plenty of spear time, I will definetly get into it.
    One more question, so it is ok to eat balanced meals as far as protein/carb/fat in each meal? What about all this carb/fat separation thing?

  13. #13
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    What about all this carb/fat separation thing?
    Human beings have been eating well balanced diets for hundreds of years without separating fats/carbs etc and staying extremely lean.

    I'm obviously not a big believer of these myths although SOME do seem to get great results off of separating the two. To do this though you've got to have a very good understanding of nutrition and how different foods directly effect your own body which very few ppl do.

    If you eat a well balanced diet slightly over your caloric needs and have a good training regimen which proper rest and sleep YOU WILL BUILD MUSCLE with minimal fat.

    If you eat slightly less calories in the same fashion you'll lose fat while maintaining most of your LBM.

    Why complicate such a simple thing?
    Stay away from products produced and manipulated by humans and you'll be on the right track. Think of what foods were eaten before candy/fastfood etc came alone and you'll be good for the most part.

  14. #14
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Yams are basically.. sweet potatoes. Well, You gave me enough info so I can start learning. I will try to figure some diet out, because I NEED to start now. I'll post it when it's ready.
    If You had two choices, to lift soon before bed/do cardio in the morning on empty stomach, or lift in the morning and do cardio before bed... what would You choose?

  15. #15
    Ajc330's Avatar
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    and your ppwo you want carbs brotha! carbs are your friend i promise!

  16. #16
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Most of my clients/friends do not do cardio on a normal basis but only when really trying to shed off the last bits of fat before a contest.
    I've taken 50yr old women which were over 30% bodyfat down to a normal level without the use of cardio although it takes a little bit longer.

    If you can control your caloric intake there really is no need for cardio IMO, especially considering that when you lift (if done correctly at the right intensity) you are raising your heart rate for a prolonged period very similar to doing cardio by itself.

    This type of stimulation is more similar to HIIT training (High-intensity-interval-training) like what we practive during MMA but you're ***leting your glycogen much faster because of the fact that you're lifting weights which puts a much larger stress on your body and Central Nervous System.

    Just my thoughts.

  17. #17
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    If you can control your caloric intake there really is no need for cardio IMO, especially considering that when you lift (if done correctly at the right intensity) you are raising your heart rate for a prolonged period very similar to doing cardio by itself.
    I totally agree. Reason why I sat this is because no matter how bad and dirty my eating was, and trust me it has been pretty bad at times, I never went over 16% BF, all I did was I kept up my lifting routine (85-90% Max), never did cardio even my job is not an active job.
    Adding cardio will just burn fat...faster. Like You said.

  18. #18
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330
    and your ppwo you want carbs brotha! carbs are your friend i promise!

  19. #19
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Well You definitely got my motivation all the way up there! I will make it happen.
    Thanks guys!

  20. #20
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Well get your diet together and repost it when you have done so..

    Quit wasting time on these boards and go Eat and Train like you should be

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