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  1. #1
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Brain stopped working....

    I started dieting really hard seeing as I only have about 4 weeks left and my brain is just about shut off =P I am really slow.... Currently my diet consists of

    300g Protein
    50-120g Carbs
    50g fat

    with a carb loading day every 14th day....

    Is the lack of carbs whats making me feel slow? =P

  2. #2
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer
    I started dieting really hard seeing as I only have about 4 weeks left and my brain is just about shut off =P I am really slow.... Currently my diet consists of

    300g Protein
    50-120g Carbs
    50g fat

    with a carb loading day every 14th day....

    Is the lack of carbs whats making me feel slow? =P

    Carb up every seven days instead of fourteen. See if that makes a difference.

  3. #3
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was thinking that I was just worried about slowing down the results....

  4. #4
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    It would ***end on your whole diet but refilling every 14 days is long not to mention can make you catabolic.

  5. #5
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    try dropping your fat and protein abit and upping your carbs.

  6. #6
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    I assume you are getting your fats from fish oil or flax???

    and those are low carbs for sure..
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  7. #7
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Fats coming from a combination of flax/peanutbutter and trace from chicken/fish/oatmeal....

    Carb sources are oatmeal/veggies and maltodextrin on workout days PWO

    All protein sources are PWO Shake eggwhites/chicken/tuna/orange roughy

    Currently on 550mg of Test enth per week....(will hopefully keep me anabolic enough not to loose too much muscle =P)

    6'2 257lbs @ 13.5% BF

    The thing is I only have 4.5 weeks left "on" and I am shooting for single digits... thats why I made my diet so strict trying to drop another 15-20lbs in that time....but I'm getting a little loopy mid day...

    Btw currently doing 1h30min of 70% Max HR ED 1h in the morning and 30 Min PWO 5 days a week with 2 days off.... was carbing up on my off days but I wanted to decrease that as much as possible...
    Last edited by soulstealer; 06-27-2007 at 06:36 AM.

  8. #8
    ss01 is offline Associate Member
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    If I were you I would either up the carbs back to a more comfortable spot, or go ketogenic, that is 30g of carbs or less. Carb-load every 7 days.

  9. #9
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    If I were you I would either up the carbs back to a more comfortable spot, or go ketogenic, that is 30g of carbs or less. Carb-load every 7 days.
    I would agree with you but I am worried about the muscle wasting of a full on keto diet....

  10. #10
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    well, lets look at salt, and you will be holding water from teh test e...

    I would also suggest that perhaps your system has adapted, and or perhaps slipped into a starvation mode..

    supplement with low dose t4 would be one rate..

    clen 2/2 would be a way to go to help with catabolic effects of low cals

    There are some great termogenic and dermal applications that i could suggest..
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  11. #11
    ss01 is offline Associate Member
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    It is not muscle-wasting at all. Plus you are on test...

  12. #12
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    well, lets look at salt, and you will be holding water from teh test e...

    I would also suggest that perhaps your system has adapted, and or perhaps slipped into a starvation mode..

    supplement with low dose t4 would be one rate..

    clen 2/2 would be a way to go to help with catabolic effects of low cals

    There are some great termogenic and dermal applications that i could suggest..
    Currently taking Lipo6 as a thermogenic... where I am at with calories and expenditure do you think that say 50mcg of t3 would be more catabolic to muscle then it would help in fat loss?(can get t3 and clen in 3 or so days)

    Also sodium is kind of high right now so that probably adds to the water retention of the test which I'm not really worried about right now.... Planning on switching esters to propinate for the last 4 weeks starting this sat.. and manipulate sodium at end of cycle....

  13. #13
    ss01 is offline Associate Member
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    T3 is *NOT* actually catabolic to muscle, period. Yes it SEEMS like it is, which is the root of the legend that it is, but in fact it isn't. It does have muscle-deflating and muscle-weakening effects but those are transient, i.e. these effects vanish when you stop the T3.

  14. #14
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    T3 is *NOT* actually catabolic to muscle, period. Yes it SEEMS like it is, which is the root of the legend that it is, but in fact it isn't. It does have muscle-deflating and muscle-weakening effects but those are transient, i.e. these effects vanish when you stop the T3.
    I was under the impression that T3 would ramp up your thyroid in turn cause you to burn indescrimanent calories... weather they be muscle tissue or adipose tissue

  15. #15
    cherokee6's Avatar
    cherokee6 is offline Junior Member
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    brain needs glucose ...up the carbs... you have some low values...good luck...

  16. #16
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    focus on overall calories vs. your carb count

  17. #17
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well I'm going to carb up this sunday for a fouth of july party.... so I'll see how I feel but on the positive side I'm cutting weight like an animal... =P

  18. #18
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    focus on overall calories vs. your carb count

    This is good advices.

  19. #19
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    This is good advices.
    Of course it is but did you guys actually read my macros? or the kind of proteins and fats I'm consuming....

    I'm taking in

    300g of protein = 1200 kcals
    50-120g carbs = 200-480kcals
    50g of fat = 450kcals

  20. #20
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer
    Of course it is but did you guys actually read my macros? or the kind of proteins and fats I'm consuming....

    I'm taking in

    300g of protein = 1200 kcals
    50-120g carbs = 200-480kcals
    50g of fat = 450kcals

    Ok. I think that your fat intake is way too low I would increase it by at least 50gs. 120gs of carbs should be enough to keep your energy levels high, but I would restrict yourself to veggies, dairy carbs, and fruit. Protein seems a little high to me.

  21. #21
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    Ok. I think that your fat intake is way too low I would increase it by at least 50gs. 120gs of carbs should be enough to keep your energy levels high, but I would restrict yourself to veggies, dairy carbs, and fruit. Protein seems a little high to me.
    All my carbs come from oatmeal and Maltodextrin... but you prolly right I'll add a serving or two of peanut butter to my meals.... and you think 300g of protein is high for a 255lb individual? its only 1.18g/pound of bodyweight

  22. #22
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer
    All my carbs come from oatmeal and Maltodextrin... but you prolly right I'll add a serving or two of peanut butter to my meals.... and you think 300g of protein is high for a 255lb individual? its only 1.18g/pound of bodyweight
    I'm just thinking in terms of getting the right proportions of macros in for your goals and general wellbeing while keeping overall calories in range.

    I don't think that you'll be losing muscle of fewer grams of protein so long as you are getting everything else you need and are training.

  23. #23
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer
    All my carbs come from oatmeal and Maltodextrin... but you prolly right I'll add a serving or two of peanut butter to my meals.... and you think 300g of protein is high for a 255lb individual? its only 1.18g/pound of bodyweight
    up the fat a bit and you need more carbs will lose weight but if you're cutting how i think you want, you don't want to lose muscle. I would start off with 2-300 cals below maintenance and keep those cals there for a week or two until you stop losing weight. SLOWLY lower cals every few weeks. It's a long process but you should keep most of your muscle and get rid of the fat

  24. #24
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    up the fat a bit and you need more carbs will lose weight but if you're cutting how i think you want, you don't want to lose muscle. I would start off with 2-300 cals below maintenance and keep those cals there for a week or two until you stop losing weight. SLOWLY lower cals every few weeks. It's a long process but you should keep most of your muscle and get rid of the fat
    ok so If I wanted to loose 15 lbs your saying let it take 175 days =P Naaa I wanna be lean by august 1st not february =P

  25. #25
    audis4's Avatar
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    ^^ya, everyone's goals are different. I don't wanna lose muscle so it takes me longer

  26. #26
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    ^^ya, everyone's goals are different. I don't wanna lose muscle so it takes me longer
    I dont wanna loose muscle either thats why I'm on 550mg of test =P

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