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  1. #1
    xaudio62 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2006

    Dieting Questions...

    Ok, here is a little info about me. I am 5'8" weight 230 pounds right now. I was 250 this time last year, and lost 20 pounds. I was off an on a diet over the year. I checked my body fat % and it is 24% body fat. I am not happy with where I am. I want to get down to around 200 or just loose as much of the fat as I can. I work out on weights 3 days a week and do a mile walk/jog daily. I do sit-ups and push-ups daily also. There are so many different kinds of diets out there, what would be the best one to do? I was mainly eating salads, lean meat, tuna, oatmeal, granola bars..things like that. I dont have a set diet right now, am going to start back on do not have a set eating plan or food that I will be eating yet.
    Any suggestions on a diet or things to eat on the diet will be appreciated. Thanks for any info.

  2. #2
    Braunstein's Avatar
    Braunstein is offline Banned
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    Apr 2007
    You're making the right decision. Here are a few articles to help you along, anything by the author Chris Aceto is a decent read, as most of what he says is in laymen terms. You will need to construct a diet based on your stats and goals. Come up with a sample with meal times, cardio times, and weight training times along with all the macro nutrients and calories for each meal and daily totals. Once you have it, post up your sample and we can give it a critic.

    Also check out the cutting sticky, although it's kind of vague, it might help you along. Also search my threads for "cutting", and I**mfkr's for "time to get swole" and check out the sample cutting diet he posted.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    BuffDJ's Avatar
    BuffDJ is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2007
    A lot of different sups to help with fat loss. But first is the diet. You get that going with a good workout plan and you will accomplish a lot. You can consider a ECA stack or Clen /T3 stack for optimal results.
    Good Luck

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