Hi All,
I have learned that to loose fat at a healthy rate, one has to consume about 12-13 calories per LBM in pounds. That is about 10% below the maintenance level.
Now, if I am working out at least 5 days a week. and with each typical workout running for about 2 hrs, with 400 - 700 calories burned in cardio and nearly 1 hour of weight training (that would amount to another 400-600 calories).
How do I readjust my calorie intake so as to account for the calories burnt in working out and still maintaining a good deficit for healthy fat loss.
As for my stats
I am 173 cm, 71 kg with about 17-19% body fat. Typically my day is a sedantry day.

Also any recommendations on when is the best time to consume calories that will be used in workout. And still affecting the fat loss.
I work out in evenings 6-9 pm (any 2-2.5 hrs)

Any help is appreciated,