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  1. #1
    LittleNate's Avatar
    LittleNate is offline Junior Member
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    Bodybuilding/ Diet and Living your do u do it

    Whats up Guys/Girls.

    You guys have some great info in this forum. Its helped my diet out and taught me how to eat properly. Recently Ive been getting really serious with my training and trying to do a cleaner bulk. I prepare my 10am/lunch and /3pm meals on sundays and prepackage for the week. Its awesome. I no longer get lunch(crap) out with the guys at work, and i feel great. The problem is the weekends, its hard for me to keep at my diet and stay focused. I over sleep and miss a meal usually. People invite you out to dinner where theres not a thing on the menu that you should be eating. Girlfriend wants to go out to the bar...How do you guys/girls do it? a bodybuilder and still live your life? Its hard. I'm just a little frustrated...sorry...

    Thanks everyone for your help

  2. #2
    swing lo is offline Banned
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    You have to make sacrafices because your bodybuilding for yourself and not anyone else. Yes it has perks with the ladies and overall life but it's what you sacrafice that wil set you apart from the others. This is my opinion. I also like the fact that I plan on being single with no kids for a long time which probably makes it easier.

  3. #3
    forgione is offline New Member
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    totally see where youre coming from man. im 18 and its the summer before i go away to college and naturally all i really feel like doing is partying with the guys picking up girls and downing brews. takes a lot of willpower for me to avoid that lifestyle and stick to being a dedicated athlete and ive slipped up a few times along the way but as long as every time you slip up you pick yourself up and keep moving forward, thats the important part. many guys here dont agree with this train of thought, and would say that you should learn to be disciplined and follow through with your goals 100% getting rid of anything that holds you back, but if youre not a pro and you just want to look good, i think you can still do that while enjoying yourself a couple of nights on the weekend. my recommendation is trying to find something on the menu thats reasonable (when i go out to dinner, my staple is grilled seafood, particularly salmon). best of luck to you man.

  4. #4
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    You have to cheat once in while man, we're not robots. A couple meals that are slightly off is not going to make a difference really. Just try to take in the least worst and eat beforehand knowing you will eat crap later. I eat roughly 42 meals per week excluding any shakes, therefore I can easily afford to have a couple of weak meals per week and I havent noticed a difference.

  5. #5
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleNate
    Whats up Guys/Girls.

    You guys have some great info in this forum. Its helped my diet out and taught me how to eat properly. Recently Ive been getting really serious with my training and trying to do a cleaner bulk. I prepare my 10am/lunch and /3pm meals on sundays and prepackage for the week. Its awesome. I no longer get lunch(crap) out with the guys at work, and i feel great. The problem is the weekends, its hard for me to keep at my diet and stay focused. I over sleep and miss a meal usually. People invite you out to dinner where theres not a thing on the menu that you should be eating. Girlfriend wants to go out to the bar...How do you guys/girls do it? a bodybuilder and still live your life? Its hard. I'm just a little frustrated...sorry...

    Thanks everyone for your help
    you need to have your priorities listed, to see what you want to achieve bro. are you gonna be stepping on stage anytime soon? then i would suggest buckeling down, and dedicate yourself to what you want.if you just plan on working out to look fit and be healthy, then you have room to go out every now and then, just dont make a habbit of it...

  6. #6
    LittleNate's Avatar
    LittleNate is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the replys guys! I'm not training to least not yet. I know i just gotta keep my head on right and keep focused on my training goals. keep all the non bb stuff to a minimum even though it will piss people off around me sometimes, but hey this is the life im choosing to live.

    thanks again you guys are great

  7. #7
    naturalsux's Avatar
    naturalsux is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleNate
    Whats up Guys/Girls.

    You guys have some great info in this forum. Its helped my diet out and taught me how to eat properly. Recently Ive been getting really serious with my training and trying to do a cleaner bulk. I prepare my 10am/lunch and /3pm meals on sundays and prepackage for the week. Its awesome. I no longer get lunch(crap) out with the guys at work, and i feel great. The problem is the weekends, its hard for me to keep at my diet and stay focused. I over sleep and miss a meal usually. People invite you out to dinner where theres not a thing on the menu that you should be eating. Girlfriend wants to go out to the bar...How do you guys/girls do it? a bodybuilder and still live your life? Its hard. I'm just a little frustrated...sorry...

    Thanks everyone for your help

    you have to be a little anal to live a bb lifestyle or at least i do.

    missing one meal wont kill you.

    when i go somewhere(party or similar) that isnt going to have food, i bring my own and leave it in my vehicle, eat when ever needed.

    before going to the bar eat a good meal, sometimes i bring a snack of some sort to eat in there.

    and at a restaurant theirs always chicken, fish, or steak. get steamed veggies instead of mashed potatoes or fries. veggies and protein= perfect meal for eating out.

    stay focused and good luck!

  8. #8
    UNCCwrestler's Avatar
    UNCCwrestler is offline Junior Member
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    I tried the BB lifestyle for 6 months. Cut out drinking and got alot more focused on training and taking supps. Personally it wasn't good for me as the people I grew up friends with werent used to seeing me so focused ( which you definetly have to be to be a BB) and I somehow ended up getting bitter and reclusive, which was never the case for me.

    Recently I started going out and partying again, but still train 4-5 days a week and eat healthy during the weekdays ( mostly just alcohol is my cheats). I am obviusly slipping in my body-shape little, but like that guy said earleir if you aint planning on walkin on stage (which I am not) don't worry about it.

    Don't get it twisted though trust me I respect all these guys in bodybuilding for their intensity, motivation, drive and commitment 100%.

  9. #9
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    It also helps to understand why the bodybuilding lifestyle pisses people around you off so much, It shows them what they could be if they had more willpower. It outlines all there weaknesses. If i go to a bar and drink diet coke I often get criticised by those around me. They are just jealous. They all want to "look" like a BBer they just lack dedication.
    Don't let all those lazy unmotivated people grind you down. You can go out to bars and restaraunts and eat/drink fairly clean. Just be prepared to be insulted by others while you do it....

  10. #10
    RBD85's Avatar
    RBD85 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I love that attention though... I just smile and laugh to myself or at them if it calls for it.

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