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  1. #1
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    Should you ALWAYS eat carbs after a workout?!

    im currently on a carb cycling diet where i have 2 of my high, moderate and low days with 1 free day, BUT, my question is

    After a workout, shold you ALWAYS consume carbs for the benefit? or not always?

    reason being is that i usually get my daily carb amount out by no later than 3-4pm and leave the rest of my day with mostly protein and of course some efa's

    the problem is.... i usually go to the gym ranging from 7pm-9pm....

    so why is that bad? well i dont want to consume any carbs during the later day when of course my metabolism is slowing down and just basically the human body starts to slow down in general to of course get ready for the night

    Now sure, i understand that i can take my carbs anytime of the day as long as it fits my macros, but i already save some of it for my pre workout meal (which is usually some whey, 1/4c 2%milk, 1/2c water and 1/2c oatmeal) and of course THOSE carbs are being used and burned in the process of my intense workout... but after my workout, if i take carbs, i feel like they will just sit there and be stored in my body fat

    so im confused now

    are carbs ok to eat everytime AFTER a workout? or just have some days yes and some days no?

    or should i stick to what im doing and just keep my carbs for the first 3-4meals of my day and save a bit for my pre workout shake or its ok to also have them AFTER a workout?

    thanks to everyone in advance for helping me clear this up!!

  2. #2
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    Slaiv is offline Banned
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  4. #4
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    I always do I say if its a low day consume the carbs for the day before and after your workout only...

  5. #5
    naturalsux's Avatar
    naturalsux is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv
    im currently on a carb cycling diet where i have 2 of my high, moderate and low days with 1 free day, BUT, my question is

    After a workout, shold you ALWAYS consume carbs for the benefit? or not always?

    reason being is that i usually get my daily carb amount out by no later than 3-4pm and leave the rest of my day with mostly protein and of course some efa's

    the problem is.... i usually go to the gym ranging from 7pm-9pm....

    so why is that bad? well i dont want to consume any carbs during the later day when of course my metabolism is slowing down and just basically the human body starts to slow down in general to of course get ready for the night

    Now sure, i understand that i can take my carbs anytime of the day as long as it fits my macros, but i already save some of it for my pre workout meal (which is usually some whey, 1/4c 2%milk, 1/2c water and 1/2c oatmeal) and of course THOSE carbs are being used and burned in the process of my intense workout... but after my workout, if i take carbs, i feel like they will just sit there and be stored in my body fat

    so im confused now

    are carbs ok to eat everytime AFTER a workout? or just have some days yes and some days no?

    or should i stick to what im doing and just keep my carbs for the first 3-4meals of my day and save a bit for my pre workout shake or its ok to also have them AFTER a workout?

    thanks to everyone in advance for helping me clear this up!!

    you should consume carbs in your 1st meal and post workout meal, if your that concerned.

    the carbs after your workout will not be stored as fat even if its 11:00pm, you need to replenish your glycogen levels after working out!

    you need to read Chris aceto's everything you need to know about fat loss ASAP! it will teach you everything you need to know.

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    to your question, yes.

    however, when cutting and carbs are generally lowered... you can lower your carbs but will need to compensate with a higher protein intake.

    so if you consume 50g protein and 75g of carbs after a workout normally, but when cutting you only want to consume 30g of carbs... then substitue those calories with protein. making it a bout 80 pro 30 carb.

  7. #7
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    i love you all

    thank you very much!!!

  8. #8
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    You people never let me answer the easy ones.
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  9. #9
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    making it a bout 80 pro 30 carb.
    WOWSEEERS.... 80 grams of Protien in a PWO shake?? Wont he just piss most of that out??? Thats kind of a waste... no?

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