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  1. #1
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    NY, Long Island

    Curbing appetite

    How do you guys curb your appetite??
    Usually I don't worry about what I eat or how much I eat because during soccer season I need 4k Cals+ to maintain my weight. Now though I have been cutting to get down to a certain weight so I can be agile again. Since I am so used to eating over 4k cals ( I sometimes hit over 5k -.- yet I don't gain much weight) It is hard to eat less then 3k cals -.- so what do you guys do??

    BTW I am 5'5 147lbs right now.

  2. #2
    HowIdo's Avatar
    HowIdo is offline Junior Member
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    Damn bro 147 lbs and your eating 4000 cals....cheers to you. One thing i do when i am cutting is eat a ton of fiber. Specifically water-soluble fiber which slows down the movement of food through the digestive tract and lower insulin levels which is a hormone that stimulates appetite. Foods such as broccoli, oats and sweet potatos are good choices. Eating these foods will make you feel full longer.

  3. #3
    tretch187's Avatar
    tretch187 is offline Associate Member
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    5'5 147.

    I would split your calories into fewer meals. I am guessing you eat up most of your calories before soccer or *insert activity* and then are starving later when you dont have as much room to eat as you like.

    So, if you can go the first part of the day without eating as much, then get a smallish meal a few hours before workout, then one bigass meal afterwards...

    Might work for you.

    Or there is the usual:

    Assload of water
    Assload of veggies
    EC stack blunts hunger nicely

  4. #4
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    NY, Long Island
    Yeah I burn cals easy 2hrs+ twice a day for soccer then my workout. Thats 6 hours of working out -.- Tretch problem being I eat anytime im not working out/practicing because im hungry from morning till bedtime. Doing clen right now to get down more weight (so EC stack is out of the question) but like I said im used to packing down cals like nothing so cutting back is the problem, I guess I will just follow both your advices on fiber see how that works. Thanks for the help

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