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  1. #1
    SdiZZle's Avatar
    SdiZZle is offline Associate Member
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    Tips for maintaining diet with a busy schedule

    backround info- I am 5' 6", I weigh 152 Lbs. 27 yrs I have trained for 7 years (mostly to stay cut). I always had a hard time making gains, and never figured out my problem. As I hit the weights harder I would lose weight. Finally I understand Diet was a huge problem for me all along.

    My Plan - I have been eating a lot more as of late. I try for 200g protein a day and 3500+ cal. over 7 or 8 meals. I am rather exomorphic (skinny kid, wrestled light weight all my life- I think exo is right?) so I am trying to keep a quality diet, but really I am just trying to slam calories into my system to finally be calorie positive as I ramp up my workout.

    My Problem- Breakfast is no big deal -but- Then I go to school from 9am to 11am, work out 11-1230, back to school until 4, work at 5 until 10 or 11.

    Do you have any advise for meals I can take with me and eat on the fly? I work at a restaurant so that is no big deal (I can sneak tons of chicken breast, olive oil, nuts, and whole wheat pasta for free!) but during the day I need High calorie protein-fat and protein-carb meals I can take with me. Also I need a good post workout meal/shake that I can bring with me.

    I was just hoping some old pro's with a solid diet system can give me some pointers

    Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    wraps are great, sandwhiches, anything along those lines.. basically turkey/tuna/chickn as your primary protein source in those handy lil doo'dads..
    beef jerky, almonds, mix blend protein shakes ... protein shakes that arent WHEY are handy

  3. #3
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    I like the tuna and salmon packets they sell at the store... kind of pricey though. You can bring cans of tuna and a can opener and eat peanuts, or wheat bread, or mayo, or whatever with it. For eating at "fast food" places I always go for subway, quizno's, or Hardees when I'm feeling like a fat ****.

  4. #4
    Tambit24's Avatar
    Tambit24 is offline Member
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    I make a bunch of grilled chicken on sunday night to last me till fri. I make my rice and veg first thing in the morning while I'm eating breakfest. Package what I need up for the day and eat it at the needed times. First meal after breakfest usally stays warm, but the rest are usually cold, but its the sacrifices that I need to deal with at times. Also, just have a shake for post work out. I throw raw oats in it to get my carbs. Not ideal, but it works when I am tight for time.

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