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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    does feeling more full keep the metabolism up more while cutting?

    i've been drinking kool-aid with stevia (calorie-free sweetener) and diet soda's (with splenda) like all hell lately cause i'm near the end of my cutting phase. it's been great cause i'm actually keeping myself satisfied and completely killing my typical hunger pangs i'd be getting around this point. i'm just curious if by keeping myself feeling more full will it have any kind of positive effect on my metabolism? i'm just thinking that if you're hungry all the time when cutting your body will try to slow down the metabolism to adapt, but if i'm feeling more full, it might help keep that metabolism going under the false impression it's getting more food/nutrients. what ya think? i can at least say it's nice to not feel like i'm a starving ethiopian, lol.

  2. #2
    MagicalTrevor is offline New Member
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    This is a great question. I want to know too. bump

  3. #3
    BigPimpin76's Avatar
    BigPimpin76 is offline Senior Member
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    I am interested as well.. bump again

  4. #4
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Im not positive that the feeling of being full keeps the metabolism moving.

    However, I know that as long as you supplement your body with the minerals/vitamins/etc. it needs; its metabolic rate will not go into “starvation mode" even though you are in a calorie deficient state.

  5. #5
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Im not positive that the feeling of being full keeps the metabolism moving.

    However, I know that as long as you supplement your body with the minerals/vitamins/etc. it needs; its metabolic rate will not go into “starvation mode" even though you are in a calorie deficient state.
    well i would imagine if not anything else, keeping yourself from getting those bad hunger pangs should at least help to keep cortisol levels down, right?

  6. #6
    hockeyroom28 is offline Junior Member
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    i think its opposite, when you eat more meals a day but in smaller amounts, the point is to get hungry right around 2-2.5 hours. If you get hungry quickly, it means that the food you ate was already used/burned/stored. this is why its normal to eat and be hungry 30-45 mins later when eating more meals a day

  7. #7
    naturalsux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i've been drinking kool-aid with stevia (calorie-free sweetener) and diet soda's (with splenda) like all hell lately cause i'm near the end of my cutting phase. it's been great cause i'm actually keeping myself satisfied and completely killing my typical hunger pangs i'd be getting around this point. i'm just curious if by keeping myself feeling more full will it have any kind of positive effect on my metabolism? i'm just thinking that if you're hungry all the time when cutting your body will try to slow down the metabolism to adapt, but if i'm feeling more full, it might help keep that metabolism going under the false impression it's getting more food/nutrients. what ya think? i can at least say it's nice to not feel like i'm a starving ethiopian, lol.
    let me try, every time you eat your metabolism increases.
    so i would think that if your full of good lean meat and veggies, your metabolism should be at full blast.
    when you get hungry your metabolism slows and you body starts feasting on muscle or fat.
    this is also when you can go into starvation mode and when you do eat it could go straight to fat storage.

  8. #8
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think keeping yourself artificially "full" is taking care of a symptom and not the cause. However, if you are eating the requisite meals every 2-3 hours for cutting and getting all your macros covered, then its okay to alleviate your hunger pangs with koolaid and sugarfree jello and what not. If anything, hunger pangs that come within an hour of a meal is a sign of a boosted metabolism when an average joe would need 4 hrs to do the same. So that is another good sign for you... I'd say you're on the right track and have nothing to worry long as your cals are not ridiculously low!!

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