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  1. #1
    440Charger's Avatar
    440Charger is offline Junior Member
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    So I just got my bf test done...

    I just got a bf test done. 7 site caliper test. Each site was measured 3 times and the athlets formula was used

    Results Mean number
    SUbscapular 13.9
    Tricep 8.9
    Midaxilla 7.1
    Chest 6.3
    Suprailiac 11.9
    A**omen 6.7
    Theigh 11.1
    SOS = 65.8

    % = 8.84126 at 180 lbs or so

    Lower than I thought... But I guess there is allways a +/- 2% range so could be a bit higher but its pretty good either way. I guess im doingok with my diet

    Gonna get it done again in 2 months or so since I dont gotta pay and see how much weight I've gained thats clean...

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    8.9 mm for tricep is high for your BF% ... I'm at roughly the same BF and my tris only measure in at 3 mm .... But then again, most of my fat storage patterns fall on my a**omen and love handles...yours is more spread out...just goes to show how people really do store fat differently

  3. #3
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    good job bro, keep at watever u r doing, its odviously working

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