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  1. #1
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    When doing about 20-30min of cardio.....

    is that considered a workout? will my body be catabolic after im done?

    reason i ask is because on my off days, i still do cardio, and i do it for a good 20-30min, and after i finish running, i usually take my PreWO shake so when i go to the gym in 1:30min after my cardio ill have my blood pumped with carbs and protein

    but... seeing as how after my cardio i will NOT be going to the gym, do i still do my PreWO shake? or i should do it? is there still a need for filling myself up with carbs and protein?

    or can a simple small meal suffice? thanks in advance guys !!!

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Its not considered a "workout" in the sense that you need a PWO or Preworkout shake... its better to do cardio on an empty stomach. You can eat a normal meal after cardio. I do mine in the AM on an empty stomach, and down some egg whites, a couple yolks, and oatmeal afterwords.

    Are you cutting right now?

  3. #3
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    yes i am !!!

    but !! i cant wake up early enough to do a.m. cardio since i got this new job

    i usually have my 3rd meal at 1pm then i have 1 tblsp of P.B. at 3:30pm to last me until 6pm when i get home and i run then

    what do u think? is my stomach empty by that time? is the 1 tblsp of P.B. ok to do?

    what do u think?

  4. #4
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv
    yes i am !!!

    but !! i cant wake up early enough to do a.m. cardio since i got this new job

    i usually have my 3rd meal at 1pm then i have 1 tblsp of P.B. at 3:30pm to last me until 6pm when i get home and i run then

    what do u think? is my stomach empty by that time? is the 1 tblsp of P.B. ok to do?

    what do u think?
    Woah woah woah.... run?

    Do you pay attention to your heart rate?

    You know if it gets too high for too long you can start burning glycogen and amino acids (muscle) instead of fat right? You don't need to run to burn fat. I like setting the treadmill on a 4.5 degree incline, at about 5mph (nice, fast paced walk) and I can monitor my heart rate right there to make sure it stays in the aerobic zone and does not go above it. In fact, I did a bodybuilding show 1.5 years ago and the only running I did was to the bathroom to take a mad shit.

    Peanut butter has carbs, I wouldn't do it... and 5 hours without any real meals is very bad for your muscle metabolism... and then you're only getting a shake after cardio? Going catabolic and losing muscle for sure. BTW I think you asked when to take glutamine, take it before cardio.

    Why don't you just go to sleep an hour earlier and wake up to do cardio on an empty stomach?
    Last edited by AandF6969; 10-03-2007 at 10:22 PM.

  5. #5
    lil hulk is offline Associate Member
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    220-age x .65% 220-age x .70% is what ur fat burning heart rate should stay between....ill usually go bout 2 laps around the track then check my pulse and make sure its between those 2 numbers then go right back to joggin!!!

  6. #6
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    AandF and lilhulk

    thank you 2 very much....... i appreciate all that info, i will def. do it !!

    btw!! when u say take glutamine BEFORE cardio, meaning before cardio in the am? preworkout? or when?

  7. #7
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    Before cardio in the am, and preworkout. Shit, I'd take it pre cardio, preworkout, and post workout split up 5 gram dosages.

  8. #8
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
    Before cardio in the am, and preworkout. Shit, I'd take it pre cardio, preworkout, and post workout split up 5 gram dosages.
    post workout, i thought it would conflict with the absorption of the whey?

  9. #9
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    Honestly bro, I've never noticed a difference. It is true that when there's an abundance of one kind of amino acid that it competes against other aminos for absorption. But glutamine is probably one of the best aminos for growth, and recovery. I say try it out, and see if you notice any difference at all.

  10. #10
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    thanks!! will do !!

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