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  1. #1
    ejb3's Avatar
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    opinion on timing

    Hello all, just looking for a quick timing question in regards to Pre-WO nutrition. I'm lucky enough to have a gym in the building where I work and I usually head down there at around 5:15pm (first lift is usually 5:25pm or so). At around 4pm I usually have 1cup oats with either 45grams of whey or, some type of chicken/turkey. This pre-WO meal nets me about 500cals (2700-3000cals a day). Now, I lift first for 40-45minutes then do cardio for at least 40minutes at 70% MHR (133 or so). By the time I'm done running and back at my desk it's usually about 7 - 7:15pm (after shower and everything else). That's about 45-50minutes after my last lift. At this point I chug down a PWO shake.

    Is taking a PWO (50grams whey/60grams carbs) shake that late after my last lift detrimental to the absorbtion of the protein/carbs in regards to muscle growth?

    Should I not go for the carbs in the PWO shake or, is my body starving for the carbs after a 40min cardio session?

    I was going to try and take it right after I lift but, I would never be able to run after lifting if that was the case. Unless I wanted to blow mud while running.

  2. #2
    jojo2002 is offline Associate Member
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    seperate your lifting and your cardio... like lift mornings run night or vice versa or run on days you dont lift....

  3. #3
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by ejb3
    Is taking a PWO (50grams whey/60grams carbs) shake that late after my last lift detrimental to the absorbtion of the protein/carbs in regards to muscle growth?
    IMO, yes... it is very likely you're going catabolic as well due to the high levels of cortisol present at the end of a workout.

    Quote Originally Posted by ejb3
    Should I not go for the carbs in the PWO shake or, is my body starving for the carbs after a 40min cardio session?
    Definitely include the carbs for muscle maintenance.

    Quote Originally Posted by ejb3
    I was going to try and take it right after I lift but, I would never be able to run after lifting if that was the case. Unless I wanted to blow mud while running.
    That would make your cardio completely useless, you'd be burning your PWO shake and not fat.

    I prefer to do cardio in the AM on an empty stomach, and lifting later at night, is that possible for you?

  4. #4
    ejb3's Avatar
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    Tyvm for quick responses to my questions

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    I prefer to do cardio in the AM on an empty stomach, and lifting later at night, is that possible for you?
    It will be possible in about a month or so when my schedule changes (year end production freeze) but, until then I'm kinda stuck to the following workout split (Don't belong to another gym and, it's not allowed to use the company gym on weekends when the medical dept staff is off):

    Mon - Chest/tri (followed by 40min cardio)
    Tues - Legs (followed by 40min cardio)
    Wed - off
    Thurs - Shoulders (followed by 40min cardio)
    Fridat - Back/Bi (followed by 40min cardio)
    Sat - off
    Sun - off

  5. #5
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Man... I'd be so worried about losing muscle doing cardio that many days after lifting, for that long. Are you cutting pretty hard right now?

  6. #6
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    hey !! that is exactly what im doing !!

    i do about 20min cardio though !! i cant muster a complete 40min session !!

  7. #7
    ejb3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Man... I'd be so worried about losing muscle doing cardio that many days after lifting, for that long. Are you cutting pretty hard right now?
    Unfortunately this type of cardio is routine for me. If I don't do it I put on weight (BF) crazy fast. My diet could prob use a bit of work but, overall it's not too bad. I have it in .xls format somewhere on my pc. I don't eat many simple carbs due to the fact that im Type 1 diabetic =( but, I do love other carbs such as oats/whole grain pasta/potatoes/etc. I tried doing a 0 carb diet (blood sugar was always in the lower range) but, gave up after 2 weeks after having no energy for lifting. The "Sample Diabetic Diet" sticky was one of the first things i read on this forum and was great info.

  8. #8
    edgarr is offline Member
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    try cutting the cardio in half to just 20 mins. Most people do cardion for 40+ mins because they need time to build their heart rate up to the right level. Your rate should be up already becuase of the workout. Also add some BCAA about 30-40 mins prior to your workout and right after your workout but before cardio. Why not bring a shake with you and drink it right after cardio, that way you are getting your pre workout meal in about 20 mins after your last lift which is fine. Remember to get another pro/carb meal in about 2 hours after your last lift also.

  9. #9
    ejb3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarr
    try cutting the cardio in half to just 20 mins. Most people do cardion for 40+ mins because they need time to build their heart rate up to the right level. Your rate should be up already becuase of the workout. Also add some BCAA about 30-40 mins prior to your workout and right after your workout but before cardio. Why not bring a shake with you and drink it right after cardio, that way you are getting your pre workout meal in about 20 mins after your last lift which is fine. Remember to get another pro/carb meal in about 2 hours after your last lift also.
    Ty for the response.
    I'll cut the cardio to about 25minutes and see how that goes.
    In regards to BCAA; I know that the whey I take contains some BCAA but, if I eat "real" food (4pm) do you happen to know of a product that is a powder/pill that I can throw in water to get my BCAA without taking whey? I'm sure there is but, maybe you or someone else has something that they feel is better then the others. Just looking for a recommendation here is all.

    P.S. its funny...My name irl is edgar...LOL...aka nice forum name

  10. #10
    edgarr is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ejb3
    Ty for the response.
    I'll cut the cardio to about 25minutes and see how that goes.
    In regards to BCAA; I know that the whey I take contains some BCAA but, if I eat "real" food (4pm) do you happen to know of a product that is a powder/pill that I can throw in water to get my BCAA without taking whey? I'm sure there is but, maybe you or someone else has something that they feel is better then the others. Just looking for a recommendation here is all.

    P.S. its funny...My name irl is edgar...LOL...aka nice forum name
    I take Lion's BCAA, 3 pills equals 10g so I take 20g total daily. Some people take alot more others feel that they get enough from their whey/food also. I am no expert here so do a search on BCAA, I think you need more then what your whey offers.

    How long are your workouts (how many sets, reps etc per body part)?

  11. #11
    ejb3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarr
    How long are your workouts (how many sets, reps etc per body part)?
    chest - 5 exercises, 3 sets each, 6-12 reps
    Tris - 3 exercises, 3 sets each, 6-12 reps
    Legs - 6 exercises, 3 sets of each, 6-12 reps
    Shoulders - 4 exercises, 3 sets each, 6-12 reps
    Back - 5 exercises, 3 sets each, 6-12 reps
    Bis - 3 exercises, 3 sets each, 6-12 reps

    On first exercise of the day I do an extremely light weight for > 20 just to get blood flowing.

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