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  1. #1
    massbuild's Avatar
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    Thinking of Bulking with this. Please Critique :)

    Ok then here we go. Im 23 year old 145 pounds and 165 cm tall (or short!) Im not currently running any steroid cycle and I am just maintaining my weight atm. I am looking to start bulking up in the next couple of weeks and normally just "go for it" with food. However, I have thought and come up with the below diet and am wondering on some suggestions or critism (no flaming!) I will be running a four day split with weights and will be eating the same on each day regardless. I am looking to gain as much lean mass as possible as well as strength increase.

    Oats 183 9
    Scrambled Egg 180 15
    Toast 200 9

    Nectar Protein Drink 90 23

    Chicken 300 40
    Rice 250 4
    Gravy 50 0

    Nectar Protein Drink 90 23
    Natural Yogurt 250 25

    Beef Steak 300 40
    Jacket Potato 300 5
    Gravy/Butter 100 0

    After Tea/Gym
    Generic Whey Protein 250 30

    Oats 183 9
    Chicken Sandwich 300 30

    It comes to about 3000 cals and about 260 grams of protein.

    please tell me what you all think

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Gravy? Butter? Toast? lol. You need more EFA's and complex carbs, bro..

    Also, too many protein drinks. Get your protein through real, solid, food sources. You need to list your fats and carb macros as well if you want any real feedback.

  3. #3
    massbuild's Avatar
    massbuild is offline New Member
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    tbh this is just a quick mock up and the values are from memory and i can only remember the values for calories and protein. The toast will be wholemeal bread to go with my scrambled eggs. Just wanted some gravy and butter for the steak and potato, i didnt think that would matter too much but if it does it could be easily dropped.

    Im only having three protein drinks and two of those are pure protein with no fat/carbs!

  4. #4
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by massbuild
    tbh this is just a quick mock up and the values are from memory and i can only remember the values for calories and protein. The toast will be wholemeal bread to go with my scrambled eggs. Just wanted some gravy and butter for the steak and potato, i didnt think that would matter too much but if it does it could be easily dropped.

    Im only having three protein drinks and two of those are pure protein with no fat/carbs!
    I dont see an issue with your bread source. The potato should be red or sweet, imo, and Id avoid butter. Why put on fat when you dont have to.

    Only 3 protein shakes? lol. 1 is more than enough. 2 is 2 too many, imo. You'll piss most of that protein away, because its not a quality source such as egg whites, chicken, fish, etc... The fact that you dont drink your protein with any carbs or fats makes matters worse!!

  5. #5
    ricker35910's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by massbuild
    Ok then here we go. Im 23 year old 145 pounds and 165 cm tall (or short!) Im not currently running any steroid cycle and I am just maintaining my weight atm. I am looking to start bulking up in the next couple of weeks and normally just "go for it" with food. However, I have thought and come up with the below diet and am wondering on some suggestions or critism (no flaming!) I will be running a four day split with weights and will be eating the same on each day regardless. I am looking to gain as much lean mass as possible as well as strength increase.

    Oats 183 9
    Scrambled Egg 180 15
    Toast 200 9

    Nectar Protein Drink 90 23

    Chicken 300 40
    Rice 250 4
    Gravy 50 0

    Nectar Protein Drink 90 23
    Natural Yogurt 250 25

    Beef Steak 300 40
    Jacket Potato 300 5
    Gravy/Butter 100 0

    After Tea/Gym
    Generic Whey Protein 250 30

    Oats 183 9
    Chicken Sandwich 300 30

    It comes to about 3000 cals and about 260 grams of protein.

    please tell me what you all think

    Thanks in advance
    i also don't like the 4hr break between dinner at 1 and your afternoon meal at 5 also you need carbs after you train especially if you're tryin to grow. you have no carbs at 10, 5 and 9 throw some potatos and brown rice in there

  6. #6
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricker35910
    i also don't like the 4hr break between dinner at 1 and your afternoon meal at 5 also you need carbs after you train especially if you're tryin to grow. you have no carbs at 10, 5 and 9 throw some potatos and brown rice in there
    Excellent point. Eating every 2.5 - 3 hours ideal.

  7. #7
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Good points made above...

    Whole foods are better than shakes... you would do well to replace one or two of your early day shakes with real foods.

  8. #8
    massbuild's Avatar
    massbuild is offline New Member
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    Whoa i didnt realise i had a four hour break in their! I think i might drop the 10am protein drink and add a chicken sandwich their instead. That way im gettin the protein plus carbs from the bread. I think i would just have to add some more bread or something at 5pm as i am still at work and won't have enough time to cook rice/potato. I think i will just add a potato to the 9pm meal.

    Also, ricker, when you say to add the above carb filled foods do you mean just to add them and increase cals or to change things around so that i have the same amount of cals?

    The rethink atm of the diet is as follows:

    Oats 183 9
    Scrambled Egg 180 15
    Toast 200 9

    Chicken Sandwich 300 20

    Chicken 300 40
    Rice 250 4

    Mid Afternoon
    Chicken Sandwich 300 20

    Nectar Protein Drink 90 23
    Natural Yogurt 250 25
    Wholemeal Bread 200 9

    Beef Steak 300 40
    Jacket Potato 300 5
    Some kind of cheese 100 5

    After Tea/Gym
    Nectar Protein Drink 90 23
    Rice 250 4

    Oats 183 9
    Wholemeal Toast 200 9

    This brings the new total to 3136 calories and 302 grams of protein. Any other changes i should consider?

    Thanks again.

  9. #9
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Still need the rest of the macros...

    Also, you need protein in your last meal.

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