Been training for 5 years now. my goal is to gian size/strength. I eat 6 fairly balanced meals a day. I never counted the EXACT amount of what I eat. I just shoot for the approximate, & I almost always just focus on the protein. I came from 115lbs to now a 170lbs. I never did mind if I get a little fat, just wanted to gain & get strong, period. BF is around 12-15%. but recently I'm kinda getting conscious about my ab area. a little too much flab & love handles here & there, so thinking that as a bodybuilder, this isn't the way I'm supposed to look. I'm thinking about cutting down, but I'm still too 'small' to do so. My goal is still to bulk up, and now hopefully minimize or eliminate the fat (if that's possible). so now I'm here to ask advice from you guys.

I thought that maybe I was taking in too much carbs, fat or calories than what I needed, so recently I counted my daily intake. I was surprised of the result. here's an approximate:

Carbs - 270 gms
Protein - 200 gms
Fat - 80 gms
Calories - 2600 gms

as you can see, for my wight of 170lbs, all except the protein intake are low. I'm scratching my head right now. Based on those calculations & in relation to me being chubby, I should be leaner, right? & based on my gaol, w/c is to gain, those results are below what I should be eating.

These are the usual food I eat daily:

Oatmeal, white rice, wheat bread, tuna, meat (various), peanut butter, protein shake, whole eggs, egg whites, milk, some vegetables...

What can you guys suggest? should I not mind & just keep gaining (I will up my carbs & calories)? should diet down first? should I throw in a little cardio (never did 'em)? either? neither? all of the above? LOL

seriously, any advice will be appreciated, & I'll rep you for it. TID!