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  1. #1
    dovedescent's Avatar
    dovedescent is offline Associate Member
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    Noobes gone wild. One members quest to lose weight by taking juice,not suggestions...

    ######CAN I HAVE A MOD MOVE THIS TO THE CORRECT FORUM?????######### sorry folks

    Hey folks,just thought i would post up and show where im at. First off,heres a thread i posted back in august.

    Anavar and a higher bf super noob

    If you take the time to read youll notice i joined back in august.Youll also notice i was a large-fatass guy(still am but much less) and i figured i would try -losing- weight with juice and a routine..(which i bet i wasnt the first person to think this) But was nieve nonetheless in thinking so. I read all those steroid profiles and kept seeing (fat loss) and (lean muscle gain) ignoring the waterweight and other things.Bottom line, is i did lose SOME fat,but what i got from my cycle was shitload of muscle,with fat all around it.A big puffy fat juiced up dude.And i had to think....Is this what i really wanted? I mean,NO this ISNT what i wanted at all.So when i got off my cycle i did some thinking...

    First heres a little history....

    Im 29 and never truly did any real lifting untill july.I did bench here and there
    trained maybe 2-3 x a week at most with little effort.The most training i ever did at full potential was in high school,i played football for a big football school up in new york.After high school i kept getting fatter and fatter and lazier and lazier,got into the partying etc etc so the story goes.Bottom line here is i got way out of shape and was looking for anything but true hard work and suggestions from knowledgable people....Moreso i was looking for the easier/softer way...Long story short,by july 07 i was easily pushing 260,with not much muscle,and around 30-32% bf [first picture attached].Started training (for real and with actual knowledgable people) and a month later was down in my upper 240's somewhere.[second picture attached] At that point i started my cycle including the minimal dose of primo and the minimal dose of test E recommended weekly(which i found out later was CUT very bad and was weak)BIG waste of money.Third pic attached was from september-ish when i started seeing results and was down to around mid to low 240's and got down to like 238-ish[third picture attached] All the while,keeping a low carb-high protein diet,whey protein gnc shakes 2x a day and did not miss ANY weekdays in the gym for 3months plus.[The fourth attached picture] is me blown up like a balloon in the gym (also my avatar) in november (back up to 245)at the and of my cycle..AND BY THE WAY juice was changed in september because my source got busted or something...Juice changed to meduim dose of tren stacked with sust 250-500mgs a week(REAL GOOD SHIT) end of cycle mid november is {fourth attached picture) and by the end of the cycle was up to 244 and wanted to have sex with pretty much any female that crossed my path OMG!!! Cycle ended,got back on some antidepressants,and lost five lbs in about a week.Keep in mind i was eating mcdonalds and stuff and just DROPPING weight..ok the rest of nov and all of dec back off.Tried getting back in,in early jan but was half hearted about it.Basically now,im not eating at all,and have been on the treadmill for two weeks 5x a week 45 min at 80% Im down to 225 21%bf.Not bad for starting at 260.But its been slow Heres a picture now [fifth picture attached] which doesnt look THAT much different from the third...but i weigh less so...

    I think where im at now is where i should have been all along.Wanting to lean down before i do ANYTHING..Diet,run,and diet more.Ive thought about throwing in a little anavar (high dose) But nothing hardcore at all.But i dont know.My gut tells me(no pun intended) that i should just stay dieting and running untill i reach my healthy weight goal,and dont even THINK about putting anything in my body other than food protein and vitamins.I look at these steroids i could have,and the guys in the gym that lift way more than me now,and it gives me the itch to get some serious gear,but i just couldnt justify it.I think ill wait on the sidelines,doing the cardio,the pain in the ass stuff.And get to where i TRULY want to be...200 lbs..Its been a long time since ive been 200.I dream about it .Funny thing is,now my dream is to stack like a madman when i get there!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA D
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Noobes gone wild. One members quest to lose weight by taking juice,not suggestions...-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.jpg   Noobes gone wild. One members quest to lose weight by taking juice,not suggestions...-big%2520fatty%25203.jpg   Noobes gone wild. One members quest to lose weight by taking juice,not suggestions...-0904072129.jpg   Noobes gone wild. One members quest to lose weight by taking juice,not suggestions...-l_f88dc119af37cf64955585666ef84e35.jpg   Noobes gone wild. One members quest to lose weight by taking juice,not suggestions...-0128082247-2.jpg  

    Last edited by dovedescent; 01-29-2008 at 12:31 AM.

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Congrats on your progress bro!

    although I can't say gear was the way for you to do it.... as you yourself stated in your revelation at the end of the post... so I'd say all's well that ends well... go the natural route with diet and exercise and see how lean you can get before even thinking of touching gear .... again tho, kudos on your weightloss... keep the furnace burning!


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