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  1. #1
    ToonPaul is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008

    What to eat and how long after cardio

    Right I've just been for 45min jog and am just curious as to whether or not there is an optimum time to eat something after cardio?

    Also what sort of stuff do you eat?

    I waitied 15mins after I stopped then had a banana and a P. Shake is this any good?

    Rest of my diet is sussed its just these non-gym cardio days that I'm having trouble with. Any help appreciated.

    Also does anyone else find running on the street feels like such a better cardio workout than doing it in the gym? Cleaner almost being outdoors.

  2. #2
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    I wait an hour post run if I am cutting. If not then I go ahead and eat within 15 minutes. For cutting I go with less carbs Post run.

    Running outside is always better as long as you can handle the impact. On a treadmill you are merely keeping pace with the ground moving under you, outside you are actually pushing yourself forward. I would say this about running outside though. You need to go to a real running store and have your gait and footstrike examined so they can put you in the proper shoes.

  3. #3
    ToonPaul is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008
    do you know if your catabolic after a run?

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    yep you are catabolic, in reference to fat. throw that word out of your vocab. could be good, could be bad. rarely will you tear down much muscle unless you starve your self or sprint for hours. eat what your diet calls for. a lot of people eat a pro/fat meal because they think carbs will stop their fat loss when in reality it is stopped by any food source. i always eat pro/carb meals when cutting, always. i don't supplement fat. after cardio i usually take a shower and then eat, so its roughly about 30 minutes later, and its the same when bulking or cutting. post cardio fat loss isn't much of an issue when doing moderate cardio. if it is after sprints i would maintain the 2.5-3 hour rule on your meals. so if say you eat at noon, and sprint at 1. then i wouldn't eat again until about 2:30. post sprint fat loss is slightly beneficial, but after a sprint if you are hungry, eat.

    and for some damn reason i have been thinking lately about how much better i cut up when doing cardio outside as opposed to a treadmill. funny you should mention it. its too damn cold out to do it now, but come late spring i will be doing it outside for sure.

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