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  1. #1
    mad04007 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008

    gaining weight on a cutting diet??

    so 1st off my stats are 6 feet 209 pounds 13-15% body fat

    my diet and workouts

    9am cardio and abs

    10am 1/2 cup oats, banana, protein shake, 3 hard boiled eggs

    12pm can of tuna

    2pm 1/2 pd chicken breast, 1/2 cup whole grain brown rice

    5pm 1/2 pd chicken breast, 1/2 cup whole grain brown rice

    7pm workout

    PWO protein shake 30 gram

    8pm i serving pork, 3 hard boiled eggs, 1 serving cottage cheese

    comes out to about 2,300 calories, 100 carbs, 225-275 protein,

    basically a month ago i weighed 208, i dieted down (just cut out sweets, enriched flour, fast food etc.) i lost 10 pounds that month

    then i started this diet and immediatley started gaining 3-5pounds a week easy!

    i started this diet the day of my 1st injection of tren e 200/ test cyp 200. but i am pretty sure since they are long esters they should not be kicking in untill at least 3 weeks. am i right??

    so 2 weeks ago i wighed in at 198 and now i am almost 210! i look a little leaner though...weird.

    i am thinking maybe since i upped my protein so much i gained a little musle and lost a little fat from cardio..??? i duno, can someone explain this?
    now it has been 2 weeks i went from 198 to 209!

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    you want to eat every 3 hours ideally. so maybe spread those meals out a little. and when cycling i gain about a good 10lbs of water. but maybe you are just genetically gifted and are putting on quality size. usually after a cut in calories you will gain a lot of weight back in glycogen and water. so that also probably adds into your gains.

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