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  1. #1
    Braunstein's Avatar
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    Cutting diet critique

    Cutting diet critique

    Age: 20, natural
    Weight: 190 approx. 20%bf

    I do all my cardio/workouts upon wakening 6 days a week.
    Cardio: 45-60 minutes @ 70% MHR
    Workout: Basic beginner full body workout

    I will be using the diet attached Monday to Friday.

    On Sat/Sun I will use the following (all quality)
    Per meal totals: 400 calories, 30g protein, 58g carb
    Daily totals: 2400 calories, Carb: 350g, Protein: 185g

    All opinions welcome.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cutting diet critique-lowcarbday.jpg  

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
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    how tall are you? 190lbs on a 5'4" guy is a completely different story when you're standing at 6'3". are you using the attached diet on workout days? If so you should have more carbs around your workout. I really think you might see strength loss with your carbs being so low for 5 days straight. i would maybe have one of those high carb days mid week. I would probably lower your carbs a tad on the weekends and increase your protein intake, but that's a minor change really. it isn't a bad approach at all, and you should see good results just again, look at the carbs. and how long do you plan on cutting?

  3. #3
    Braunstein's Avatar
    Braunstein is offline Banned
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    And to think how many times I've told people to post stats... haha. Sorry I really thought I provided the height, my apologies.

    I'm 6'0, large frame.

    I've been following this diet for approach 2 weeks and I've actually felt pretty good overall. I'm just coming off a minor knee surgery (torn miniscus, strained ACL) so I feel great getting back at the gym. I've lost approx 1.5-2lbs and when I carb up my muscles look larger and fuller then they have in a while.

    Good point. Where what day/time do you suggest I carb load during the week?

    Thanks for the help nova, any more suggestions?

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    i would definitely do it on a workout day during the week. i would do it all morning and then lay off the carbs in the evening. maybe meals 1-4 pro/carb on that day, and then have 5 and 6 pro/fat. if it's working though, i wouldn't touch it for another two weeks. gauge your progress again, hopefully you lose another 2 or so pounds. those cals may be a little low, but again, if your strength is holding up and you aren't losing any noticeable size it maybe be an ok starting point. i always recommend that you keep cals slightly higher than you may want at the beginning so you don't fast away mass. if you are keeping your size and strength thought you are generally in the clear. is your strength holding up?

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