Wuz up fellas. I am an actomorph. Until about a few years ago I couldn't put on weight for anything. I am at 180 now about 13%bf. I have alwaystried to diet but what ends up happening is that I get soft. I have followed the stickies and nothing. I was wondering if it was normal that when I don't diet hardcore; I mean I don't eat fast food or sugars but I eat everything else without thinking of time or whether it's a pro/fat meal or not I tend to have better results. I get leaner and harder. I workout hard, im very active and I do cardio mostly on an empty stomach or right after workout. Is this normal? I do cardio about 4 to 6 times a week is that to much with the diet for an ectomorph. Or should i continue to just eat as want as long as I workout and do cardio? does anyone have this issue where they feel harderand leaner when they eat whatever they want(no junk though) as opposed to feeling soft when dieting?