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  1. #1
    SolidJay is offline Banned
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    Apr 2008

    New diet, help me out!

    K well i did some research and made up a new diet for myself, but im lacking in protein and in calories. I went to this site to get all the info. of the foods i wanna eat, but it may be wrong?
    20 years old, 190lbs, 25% bf and 5'11

    Meal 1: (pro/fat/carb/cal)
    4 x egg white (14.4/0/0/64)
    2 x whole eggs (12.6/10.6/0/156)
    Oatmeal (4/2/19/100)
    Banana (1.5/0/31/121)

    Meal 2:
    Can of Tuna (15/0/0/60)
    Mixed veggies

    Meal 3:
    Chicken or tuna (16.5/0/0/86)
    Brown rice 1 cup (4.5/1.6/45.8/218)

    Meal 4: PWO
    50 g protein shake (240 cals)
    Banana (1.5/0/31/121)

    Meal 5:
    Chicken or tuna (16.5/0/0/86)
    Mixed veggies
    Brown rice 1 cup (4.5/1.6/45.8/218)

    Meal 6:
    50 gram protein shake w/ flax (240cals)

    Protein 190g Fat 16g Carb 172g Cals 1710 This doesnt include the mixed veggies which im sure it will add the rest of the fats and i eat nuts through out the day.
    Any advice? This is my cutting diet btw

  2. #2
    SolidJay is offline Banned
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    Apr 2008

  3. #3
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2006
    What are your goals?

  4. #4
    Narkissos's Avatar
    Narkissos is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~Diet Guru~
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    Quote Originally Posted by SolidJay View Post
    K well i did some research and made up a new diet for myself, but im lacking in protein and in calories. I went to this site to get all the info. of the foods i wanna eat, but it may be wrong?
    Seems VERY wrong.

    Seems like you copied the amount of pro/carb/fat/kcals per seving directly into your template.. without factoring in the number of servings of each food choice you'll be using.

    e.g. one 6oz can of tuna is 2-3 servings.. I believe however you listed the kcals for one serving in your template.. etc. thus understating your kcal totals.

    Quote Originally Posted by SolidJay View Post
    20 years old, 190lbs, 25% bf and 5'11

    Quote Originally Posted by SolidJay View Post
    Protein 190g Fat 16g Carb 172g Cals 1710
    ^^Too low.

    Quote Originally Posted by SolidJay View Post
    This doesnt include the mixed veggies which im sure it will add the rest of the fats and i eat nuts through out the day.

    Quote Originally Posted by SolidJay View Post
    Any advice? This is my cutting diet btw
    Start over.

    List everything... portions.. grams, ounces, timing: everything.


  5. #5
    SolidJay is offline Banned
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    Apr 2008
    My goal is to lose weight, go down to 15% bf atleast. Ill post up my new diet tomorrow. And ya i didnt factor in the amount of servings.... looks like i had a brain fart
    Last edited by SolidJay; 04-15-2008 at 11:34 PM.

  6. #6
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2008
    well ifits your diet it should be at your hous right.

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