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  1. #1
    ultra40's Avatar
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    Carbs and Gaining

    What is the most amount of Carbs you would eat in a day while gaining.

    I've heard anywhere from 500 to 1000.

    A friend of mine would be 2 cups of oats in 3 shakes throughout the day, which comes out to be around 360 carbs just from oatmeal. Over 500 seems alittle high to me but i wanted to know anyone elses opinion????

  2. #2
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Its not a specific number... when bulking I pretty much follow 1.5ish grams per pound of my body weight roughly 100-125g of fat and everything else is filled with carbs until I start getting bigger which happens to be around 450g's a day...but your going to have to adjust your caloric intake to compensate for your needs and carbs are where your control can be implemented
    Last edited by soulstealer; 04-17-2008 at 01:42 PM.

  3. #3
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Its not a specific number... when bulking I pretty much follow 1.5ish grams per pound of my body weight roughly 100-125g of fat and everything else is filled with carbs until I start getting bigger which happens to be around 450g's a day...
    You are 300lbs SS???
    You bastard mass monster

  4. #4
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    not right now chuck you should follow my thread 259.5 as of this morning

  5. #5
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    I am 5'4" at 205lbs, 3%bf

  6. #6
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I am 5'4" at 205lbs, 3%bf
    3% I call bullshit... post some pics LOL... I wanna see that

  7. #7
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    not right now chuck you should follow my thread 259.5 as of this morning
    I'm following, but I thought you were cutting now...

  8. #8
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I'm following, but I thought you were cutting now...
    I am dude I started at 285 10 weeks ago LOL...

  9. #9
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    3% I call bullshit... post some pics LOL... I wanna see that
    If I was that in my avy, I'd have those stats

  10. #10
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Lee priest is one of my favorite bodybuilders of all time...

  11. #11
    ultra40's Avatar
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    Damn that would only put me at 340 carbs... 1000 sounds ridiculous huh?

  12. #12
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultra40 View Post
    Damn that would only put me at 340 carbs... 1000 sounds ridiculous huh?
    A lot ridicolous imo. 4000cals of carbs??

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Lee priest is one of my favorite bodybuilders of all time...
    I'm starting to like you dude

  14. #14
    ultra40's Avatar
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    Yeah I could put on weight from 4000 cals alone, and just that from Carbs seems plain stupid....
    Lets see some 3% BF pics Lee

  15. #15
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Depends on the individual and said individual's metabolism.

    I've taken i more than 1000gr of carbs per day.. All clean.. in the offseason.

    Generally once per week.

    On average my carbs are around 600gr.


  16. #16
    ultra40's Avatar
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    Thanks Nark.
    I saw you viewing the page and was hoping you would send some knowledge my way.

    I've done so well shedding pounds lately so now that i am bulking i didnt want to just blow up with excess fat.

    I'll prob. start around 450 and slowly increase to see how i can handle it.


  17. #17
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    ^^Add a GDA like chromium picolinate to daily supp routine.

    And don't carb load too regularly...

    I eat in this manner only once per week.

    I drop protein very low on this day as well.

    ..Around 125gr on average.


  18. #18
    ultra40's Avatar
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    Thanks Nark just the info i was looking for

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  20. #20
    cantqwit is offline Associate Member
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    my thought on carbs and gaining is that without excess carbs there would be no gaining. problem is for most there is a fine line between supply glycogen stores, which spares protein enabling protein to do its job, and "too much" carbs which trickles down the path of too frequent insulin production and fat cell excess as in more than enough and less than too much. to be honest i thin we all are too damn carb cautious and too protein happy. to each is a unique ratio optimum for their particular situation based on genetics, BMR, metabolism, and homestasis. i feel that high biological protein should only be considered when tallying protein(complete proteins only), and that should be atleast 1 gram per pound of lean body weight per person. i also think its overkill to exceed 1.5 g per pound of lean body weight because honestly your body only uses what it wants. and protein is expensive. you cant force feed your system into muscle growth. if you could then fish, beans, steak, chicken and eggs would equate to 22 inch arms and 60 inch chests ripped. the answer lies in finding that sweet spot with carbs and getting enough protein to counter them. i think about 2 grams of carbs per pound of LBW minimum satisfies it for myself. so it takes some tinkering around. if protein is stable at say 250 g per day(complete's only) and you try 200 g of carbs for a month, then 300 for another month, then 400 for a month and make sure your carbs are of consistency and pretty much the same glycemic index scale each time. then i think increasing 100 g per interval will lead you to your sweet spot of muscle glycogen stores full, protein satisfied and perfect anabolism. or is there such a thing? but all other factors need to be the same to find the sweet spot for carbs. just enough to prevent flat muscles, but not too much to cause excess fat storage. this has worked for me from just my expereinces which are always based on tweeking the carbs. but i dont run from carbs and grab the protein like everyone else. my daily goals for diet during a normal muscle building goal phase are;
    CALORIES- 4000
    PROTEIN-250g(HIGH bv Proteins only)- i dont count breads, oats and veggie proteins
    my stats are 6'0''1/2 218lb 10% bf.

  21. #21
    ultra40's Avatar
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    Great info, thanks.

  22. #22
    Dicknang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantqwit View Post
    i also think its overkill to exceed 1.5 g per pound of lean body weight because honestly your body only uses what it wants.
    I have read this point in a few places over the past couple of years and believe it to be true. As well as carbs, finding the sweet spot for protein consumption is another bodybuilder's mission.

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