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  1. #1
    AverageWorkouts is offline Junior Member
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    What isnt safe to eat after your workout?

    Im in highschool so by the time im out of school and finish my workout its 6 P.M. and I dont want to eat any later then 7 P.M. but I read that you need to be careful what you eat after you workout because your body absorbs fats or something faster? Can anyone clear this up for me?

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    you should drink a postworkout shake at 6pm consisting of carbs and protein in a 2:1 ratio... I like to do equal parts of maltodextrin, dextrose, and protein.

  3. #3
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    Why dont you want to eat any later than 7pm. Cutting or bulking, that is a bad idea unless you go to bed at 8 or something.

    Post workout nutrition has a couple of goals: 1) stop the process of catoblism/cortisol 2) begin/increase protein synthesis 3) replenish glyceron stores

    If some of these concepts seem new to you, then utilize the stickies on top of the forum and utilize the search function and you will learn a lot

  4. #4
    AverageWorkouts is offline Junior Member
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    Im going to start drinking Endurox 4 as my PWO Shake/Drink then ill wait about an hour to eat dinner around 7 or 8 depending on my workout that day.

    I dont want to eat past 7/8 cause thats usually when you become less active and bulking or not I dont really want food sittin on my stomach while I sleep, it sometimes makes it hard for me to sleep as well. Its just I was once larger ( not exactly fat ) and Im trying to be careful with my bulking to make sure its all muscle gains.

  5. #5
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    eating beforebed and post work out are the most crusial meals of all. when you sleep is when u build muscle so eat some cottage cheese or milk before bed if you dont want to buy casein or whey protien

  6. #6
    AverageWorkouts is offline Junior Member
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    Well I go to bed around 10-11 so my last meal being at 8 is pretty much before bed. Your Muscles may repair and grow while you sleep but if you have to much going on then it becomes to big of a job and im gonna assume the rest is put on as fat weight.

    If this isnt the case feel free to pound it through my head cause id love to eat a big thick meaty sanwich with some light miracle whip right before I go to bed.

    ( and I do take Whey )

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AverageWorkouts View Post
    Well I go to bed around 10-11 so my last meal being at 8 is pretty much before bed. Your Muscles may repair and grow while you sleep but if you have to much going on then it becomes to big of a job and im gonna assume the rest is put on as fat weight.

    If this isnt the case feel free to pound it through my head cause id love to eat a big thick meaty sanwich with some light miracle whip right before I go to bed.

    ( and I do take Whey )
    big meaty sandwich no, but i'd get some casein powder, the reason for this is that while whey protein is absorbed within 45 minutes of digestion, casein takes between6-8 hours to absorb so by taking some of that in your body will have a constant stream of protein to feed off of throughout the night, milk IMO is a bad idea as it contains alot of processed sugar

    also, i small casein shake won't upset your stomach as it is liquid and not very heavy

  8. #8
    Prada's Avatar
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    It all depends on your daily macros. Not eating after a certain hours is a misconception. If your daily consumption of macronutrients is higher then your TDEE, then it will result in fat gain. Yes nutrient timing is important but this myth that eating after a certain hour equates to not being good is false.

    For PWO, your body's glycogen levels and blood glucose are tapped, they need to be replenished. It also needs protein to prevent catabolism and start the reconstruction of the muscles you just "damaged". Immediately PWO, fat is not really that important but I wouldn't go to the extent to say its unsafe. It may just hinder the speed of consumption of other macronutrients.

    Finally success is determined by your total/complete diet in regards to your daily needs. Just PWO and saying it is good or bad isn't going to cut it. PWO shake/meal can be great but if the rest of your diet maybe sh&t, in that case its pretty much a waste.

  9. #9
    AverageWorkouts is offline Junior Member
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    Kinda opend my eyes there with the eating hours and such, not to mention Whey proteins short lived digestion time. Ill give it a try for a week or so, ill just eat really clean after my PWO Shake then right before I go to bed ill take 1 or 2 scoops of Whey to help my muscles out.

    Is 2 scoops to heavy? or am I still being to paranoid about the amount of foods/shakes Im consuming.

  10. #10
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AverageWorkouts View Post
    Kinda opend my eyes there with the eating hours and such, not to mention Whey proteins short lived digestion time. Ill give it a try for a week or so, ill just eat really clean after my PWO Shake then right before I go to bed ill take 1 or 2 scoops of Whey to help my muscles out.

    Is 2 scoops to heavy? or am I still being to paranoid about the amount of foods/shakes Im consuming.
    Go get some Casein protein for bed time not whey. Add some fish oils too.

  11. #11
    AverageWorkouts is offline Junior Member
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    Picked up some fish oils today and im going to be having 5 egg whites 1 whole eggs and 1 scoop of whey before bed. Ill look into Casein but seein as how I just bought a new batch of Whey and some Endurox 4 im a little low on spending cash haha.

    Should be ok with this setup for a few weeks. The eggs will slow the digestion process and ill still be able to get in the last bit of protein I needed for the day from them and the scoop of Whey.

  12. #12
    rickrick55's Avatar
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    if you cant get casein go get some cottage will do a similar job..imo.

  13. #13
    novastepp's Avatar
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    eat a PWO meal as soon after your workout as you can. and then have your big meaty sandwich, some cottage cheese, and some fiber (broccoli) before bed.

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