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  1. #1
    ifroyd's Avatar
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    Critique this female diet

    Hi all,

    My wife asked me to set up a diet for her, so i thought it would be a great oportunity to learn how to macro and count the calories and everything.
    In my last thread ( ) you can see that i dont have much knowledge of it but i googled some stuff and came up with this diet, if you can ( or feel like ) help me out and critique, i respect all of your knowledge and would like to read some comments on it.
    Just have in mind that this is the first diet i ever created in details.

    Thank you

    1 Meal
    Whey Protein Shake: 23g Prot, 1g Carbs, 1g Fat
    Skim Milk: 9g Prot, 13g Carbs,0g Fat
    1 Caps Flax Oil: 1g Fat
    Totals: 32g Protein, 14g Carbs, 2g Fat
    Cals: 202 Cals

    2 Meal
    2 Slice Brown Bread: 5g Prot, 23g Carbs, 3g Fat
    1 Tbsp Light Mayo: 1g Carbs, 5g Fat
    1 Tuna can: 32g Prot, 1g Fat
    Totals: 37g Prot, 24g Carbs, 8g Fat
    Cals: 316 Cals

    3 Meal
    ½ Cup of Brown Rice: 3g Prot, 34g Carbs, 1.5g Fat
    95g Chicken Breast: 22g Prot, 0g Carbs, 1g Fat
    Veggies and Leafs:
    Totals: 25g Prot, 34g Carbs, 2.5g Fat
    Cals: 258.5 Cals

    Tips: Try to easy up on the light mayo on the second meal and try to eat a bit less than the whole can of tuna.

    4 Meal
    Veggies and Leafs:
    ½ Tuna can: 16g Prot, ½ g Fat
    1 Slice Brown Bread: 2.5g Prot, 12.5g Carbs, 1.5g Ft
    1 Caps Flax Oil: 1g Fat
    Totals: 18.5g Prot, 15.5g Carbs, 3g Fat
    Cals: 163 Cals

    5 Meal ( PreWorkOut)
    Veggies and Leafs:
    ½ Tuna can: 16g Prot, ½ g Fat
    1 Slice Brown Bread: 2.5g Prot, 12.5g Carbs, 1.5g Ft
    1 Caps Flax Oil: 1g Fat
    Totals: 18.5g Prot, 15.5g Carbs, 3g Fat
    Cals: 163 Cals

    p.s: Both meals are the same due to convenience because of her work

    6 Meal (PostWorkOut)
    Whey Protein Shake: 45g Prot, 1g Carbs, 1g Fat
    Skim Milk: 9g Prot, 13g Carbs
    1 Fruit:
    Flax Seed Oil: 1g Fat
    Totals: 45g Prot, 14g Carbs, 2g Fat
    Cals: 254 Cals ( Over 24 Cals )

    Before bed Snack:
    113g of Flavoured Cottage Cheese = 90 Cals (Aprox)
    11 g Protein = 44 Cals
    11g Carbs = 44 Cals

    Daily Macros:
    Protein 187g = 748 Cals
    Carbs 128g = 512 Cals
    Fat 20.5g = 184.5 Cals
    Total Cals 1444.5 Cals

    She is 24 y, 5ft2in, 135lbs ( and she cant recall her body fat, aprox 28% i would guess )
    She trains at the gym with me i would say twice a week with weights, other then that she does cardio 5x a week.
    She wants to loose some extra pounds, ( like all girls hey )

    So please critique

  2. #2
    ifroyd's Avatar
    ifroyd is offline New Member
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    anyone ?

  3. #3
    ifroyd's Avatar
    ifroyd is offline New Member
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    i would really like any kind of comment pls ?

  4. #4
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Bro, IMO, she will never eat all that food. The volume will be too much. Is she a bodybuilder?

    Tell her to only eat when she is hungry. When she does eat make sure she eats the same macros (complete meal) each time. Forget setting a set amount of calories per day...its not natural.

    For example, 25g carbs/7g fats/ 20g protein or 1/2 orange, 1/2 cup greens, 1/2 tbs of olive oil, and a 3 oz chicken breast.

    This is much more realistic for a woman who does not eat like a bber. She will stay full longer because the calories take longer to be broken down. Some days when she isnt doing much she might have 3 meals, others 5 or more.

    Let her genetics do the work and she'll lose the weight she wants.

  5. #5
    Chronic's Avatar
    Chronic is offline Junior Member
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    I just wanted to say, very well done. Especially for a first timer. Here are some changes that will help reach her goals much quicker.
    - No breads, instead (yams, sweet potatoes, oats, brown rice)
    - Less or no milk
    - PWO, (no fats), more carbs
    -Post-PWO, more carbs

    Now that I look at it more, the diet needs a lot of work dude… That being said, with the changes I suggested and the proper caloric intake she will see results.

    - Also some might consider her intake tuna to be to much (mercury levels)

    I think the overall intake calorie wise might be a bit much (depending upon her activity level).

    Johnny might be right about this. But you know her and we don't.

  6. #6
    ifroyd's Avatar
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    Thanks everybody

    Awesome responses,

    Yah when i finished the diet i looked and realize how much food that was, i believe the calorie intake is good for her because she is very active during the day full of energy and we didnt want to loose all that energy. But, it has been two days since she is on this diet and YES all of you are right she is not eating all of that food, she is prob eating 3/4 maybe less of each meal, so im going to adjust that thanx for all the suggestions and im going to make the adjustments next weekend when i find sometime, so far we agreed to cut half of the bread and 1/4 of the tuna throughout the day , and water instead of the milk ..... we are going into details later on in the weekend ....

    But thx again for all the responses, one question, so all the macros are right ? besides the fact that the diet might not be appropriate i want to know if i got the macro part of it right so im going to do one for me


  7. #7
    ifroyd's Avatar
    ifroyd is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Bro, IMO, she will never eat all that food. The volume will be too much. Is she a bodybuilder?

    Tell her to only eat when she is hungry. When she does eat make sure she eats the same macros (complete meal) each time. Forget setting a set amount of calories per day...its not natural.

    For example, 25g carbs/7g fats/ 20g protein or 1/2 orange, 1/2 cup greens, 1/2 tbs of olive oil, and a 3 oz chicken breast.

    This is much more realistic for a woman who does not eat like a bber. She will stay full longer because the calories take longer to be broken down. Some days when she isnt doing much she might have 3 meals, others 5 or more.

    Let her genetics do the work and she'll lose the weight she wants.

    Consider it copy and pasted, i undestood everything you said, ill take all of that in consideration, thank you for your time reading and posting here

  8. #8
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Make sure she is eating chunk light tuna and not albacore. Albacore contains more mercury. The chunk light has very little trace amounts of mercury. Diet looks good as long as she is willing to devoted to it. Seems that girls have a hard time eating the same things everyday.

  9. #9
    ifroyd's Avatar
    ifroyd is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Make sure she is eating chunk light tuna and not albacore. Albacore contains more mercury. The chunk light has very little trace amounts of mercury. Diet looks good as long as she is willing to devoted to it. Seems that girls have a hard time eating the same things everyday.
    YEs, she is eating light tuna low sodium can. And i told her to was the contents before actually eating trying to get more of the sodium out. She is willing to stick with it she does not have the problem of eating the same thing everyday, its actually very convenient for our lifestyle and she is ok eating it as long as it is not "little food" in her words, a diet fails to her when she looks at the amount of food and it looks like shes dieting. As long as there is enough food and she can even take stuff out shes good

    Thanx for the comment

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