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    Clincher's Avatar
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    Big man...need a diet

    Morning guys and gals,
    This morning I woke up on the right side of the bed per say. I decided to get my shit back together but I don't know where to start. I just had a new born son and I don't want to end up dead of a heart attack before he grads from High school. I am a former defensive end for a big ten school and have been in tip top shape up until about 4 years ago. Now I am eating fast food for breakfest EVERY morning and drinking a large Dr. pepper jsut to wake up. I don't feel healthy and I know it's going to start taking it's toll on my body if it hasn't already.

    Either way I am looking for someone to help me out with a diet. I know I can get myself disciplined enough to follow it but honestly I read and read and read and it doesn't seem like their are to many people in the same boat as me on this site. Here are my stats: 27 years old, 6'4" and 285lbs. I don't have the hang over belly or rolls so a lot of my muscle from football is still sticking with me somehow but I am starting to plump up good.

    I hope I don't sound to desprate here but I really want to get my shit together for my own personal health and to have a chance to see my son grow up. Anyone willing to map out a diet for me?

  2. #2
    FortKnox36's Avatar
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    Eat one apple a day for 3 weeks.

    Weeks 4-6 up carbs to one muffin and one apple per day.

    Week 7-10 drink water and eat nothing.

    After this 10 week diet you are estimated to lose around 90 lbs.


  3. #3
    audis4's Avatar
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    ^no don't do that.

    If you want to keep your muscle, check out the diet sticky on the top of the page. Figure out your maintenance calories and lower calories a little. Figure you'll be eating 6-8 times/day.

  4. #4
    mex83's Avatar
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    Story of another big guy

    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Eat one apple a day for 3 weeks.

    Weeks 4-6 up carbs to one muffin and one apple per day.

    Week 7-10 drink water and eat nothing.

    After this 10 week diet you are estimated to lose around 90 lbs.

    That is messed up someone is trying to loose weight he is clearly at a low selft esteem and you give him that Bull... Goes to see how selfish and messed up some people can be.

    Hey man I am in the same boat as you are, I never lifted or nothing before in my life. This year I didnt just turn 25 I also hit almost 350 pounds, So I figured that if I wanted to live longer that I would have to do something about it. So I did. I have changed the way I eat and just live my life. Its hard I wont lie to you and more when for 24 years of my life all I did was wake up, eat and go to school, eat more watch tv, eat more play on the computer. So I told myself that it was enough, I had to do something about it.

    In mid Feb of this year I made the change, I stopped eating Mexican Food and Fast Food, Soda, Juices, and Fruit. I changed to eating nothing but the lean microwave boxes. What I did was in the AM I would drink a Diabetic Protein Shake, for lunch I would eat a Lean meal microwave box, for dinner I would eat another box. Now trust me it was a hard thing to do going from eating big protions to just a quater of the protien I would eat before. I also added a 1000MG capsule of Fish Oil three times a day and drank nothing but water. I did that for about a month and half and trust me I lost about 20 pounds just from doing that.

    After I realized that I was putting my body into starving mode eating like that, I decided to cut on the lean mircowave boxes and just do my own food but be more careful on what I ate. So I started to grill or boil my foods instead of fry them. When I went out I would make a better choice of what I would eat or if the place had a healthy menu I would get something from there also. I was doing that up until the start of this month when I learn about this site. Doing this made me drop another 20 pounds. I went to the doctor on May 30th my bday and i weighed in at 307 gees.

    Once I learned about his site, I made this site my bible and I was finding myself reading all of the post over and over again its good information trust me. I wont lie I was totally confused about the PWO's and all those other terrms. I kept on telling myself that I would never find a way to do this. At the same time I was still doing my diet above the second one and I also joined the gym. I was doing about 2 hours of work out one hour of cardio and another of weight machines, but I still wasnt sure if I was doing that right thing. So I decided to reply to one of the post and I gave my stats my eating pattern and my work out pattern and I was told that I was WAY under eating and that my workout was not much of a work out. So I decided to look and look for a diet that would be good for me and I came across one. I had it since last week, but I didnt want the coins to get the stuff that I needed, so I promised myself that I was going to get the stuff on Friday when I got paid. Sure enough I got all of the stuff, After I got the stuff I needed for the new diet and work out plan, I weighed myself I was nervous to do it. This time I weighed in at a whooping 298 pounds woooooo hooooo. I had reached one of the goals that I wanted.... to go below 300 pounds, I had not seen my weight be in the 200's for almost 5 years. So that was a big step for me. In just 4 months I had lost almost 50 pounds. Now that might not sound like a lot but to me it is and more since I am no longer in the 300's.

    Now I have started this new diet plan and I have made the changed on my daily routine to wake up @ 6 AM every day and do the 30-45 mins of cardio, but since I always like to go a lil more I make my cardio be 1 hour. Now this is a big step for me since I am not a morning person at all.

    One thing I learned is that for us big guys its not good to get any chen or any other supplement yet because our heart is all messed up from the years of over eating and stuff like that. I hope that this makes you feel a little bit better and cheer up man. Just like me you made the first step already, you made the decision to do something about your weight and you are willing to do anything and change anything you have to in order to do that. That is the biggest step there.

    Here is the diet that I am currently doing. I hope that this helps you out somehow. I am not taking credit for this diet plan, but its the one that I am currently using.

    Hey buddy,

    Youre going to do just fine. If I were you, Id focus on maintaining the muscle mass that you have with resistance training and gear your entire routine around losing unwanted bodyfat. Start slow and work your way up. You'll find that you'll lose weight quickly at first and then you'll hit a plateau where you will then need to adjust your routine.

    Getting started:
    1. 30-45 minutes of moderate cardio 1st thing in the morning before breakfast or on an empty stomach.
    2. You've found your BMR and realized that you need to eat 3300 kcals/ed to maintain your weight. So, start at 3000 and stay there until you feel that you have quit losing weight. Drop your kcals steadily (100 at a time) over several months. This will take time. Avoid shakes, and eat clean whole healthy foods. Chicken, rice, oatmeal, eggs, rice, almonds, etc.
    3. Train 3-4 days per week in the gym for 45 minutes. Lift hard and get out of there.
    4. Stick around here and keep asking questions.

    Here is a sample diet:
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 6
    1 Scoops Whey 120 24 3 1
    1 Cup Egg Whites 120 24 4 0

    8oz lean Meat 300 50 0 9
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 6
    1 Cup Veggies

    8oz Chicken Breast 250 50 0 2
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 6

    8oz Chicken Breast 250 50 0 2
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 6

    8oz Chicken Breast 250 50 0 2
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 6
    1 Cup Veggies

    8oz lean Meat 300 50 0 9

    Totals: 3090 348 277 55

    There are alot of carbs here, to make it easier on you at first and keep your strength, then as you get used to eating this way, you can adjust your diet by cutting down on the carbs to hasten fat loss. The sample diet is a typical40/40/20 diet. When you get more in tune with your diet and start hitting plateaus, you'll adjust your diet to a 50/15/35 ratio. You'll be hungry for carbs at this point, but you be seasoned enough in your routine to handle it. Good luck. Btw, this is all just my opinion, I helped a buddy of mine lose 25lbs in 2 months with this outline. Someone else may know a great deal more about better success than me. Good luck.

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    If he read the stickys before posting I would help him. Theres a proper way to talk in here. So why not make the world go round. You could get where you want to go if you threw a map out for us.

    If no map...then you are lost.


  6. #6
    mex83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post

    If he read the stickys before posting I would help him. Theres a proper way to talk in here. So why not make the world go round. You could get where you want to go if you threw a map out for us.

    If no map...then you are lost.


    Ok now I understand.... Ill take that back FortKnox. Yeah you need to do a lot of research. Also dont take the easy road and get Clen its not good for you at this point. Right FortKnox?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    Ok now I understand.... Ill take that back FortKnox. Yeah you need to do a lot of research. Also dont take the easy road and get Clen its not good for you at this point. Right FortKnox?
    Who said anything about clen ?


  8. #8
    mex83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Who said anything about clen ?

    Nobody I just brought it up since it most guys who are big like me will want to get Clen to help in the process.... I have read time over time that its not recommended until you bring your weight down more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    Nobody I just brought it up since it most guys who are big like me will want to get Clen to help in the process.... I have read time over time that its not recommended until you bring your weight down more.
    Big like you? haha jk

    But yeah i wouldnt take clen if I were him.


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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Big like you? haha jk

    But yeah i wouldnt take clen if I were him.

    Big as in over weight lol..... 6'0 299 used to be 350.

    But thanks for backing my advise. See me been reading lol....

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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    Big as in over weight lol..... 6'0 299 used to be 350.

    But thanks for backing my advise. See me been reading lol....


  12. #12
    FortKnox36's Avatar
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    Hows your diet?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Hows your diet?
    Good so far started doing the one that I posted for this person on here.. Man its hard to eat 6 times a day. I am on meal #3 and I am stuffed.... I feel like a damn stuffed turkey, I never thought I would say this but eating those 6 meals a day is harder than getting up at 6 AM to do cardio.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    Good so far started doing the one that I posted for this person on here.. Man its hard to eat 6 times a day. I am on meal #3 and I am stuffed.... I feel like a damn stuffed turkey, I never thought I would say this but eating those 6 meals a day is harder than getting up at 6 AM to do cardio.
    Body gets use to it after about a month. For me it took body started feeling hungry after 2-3 hours.


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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Body gets use to it after about a month. For me it took body started feeling hungry after 2-3 hours.

    Right on..... Hope it gets used to it quick lol... My stomach hurts lol.... and I do spread my meals out every 2-3hours and they are all closer to 2 hours... I had to work around my work schedule.

    One question, do you recommend doing weights at this point or should I just stick to the cardio routine for now?

  16. #16
    smokeyd's Avatar
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    you notice a big differance in doing the cardio in the am than say pm post workout?

  17. #17
    FortKnox36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    Right on..... Hope it gets used to it quick lol... My stomach hurts lol.... and I do spread my meals out every 2-3hours and they are all closer to 2 hours... I had to work around my work schedule.

    One question, do you recommend doing weights at this point or should I just stick to the cardio routine for now?
    You dont weight train!?

    You should always weight train....I would weight train every other day if I were you. I would do cardio every other day that i dont weight train. Also do cardio in the morning on 1 more day that you also weight train.


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    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyd View Post
    you notice a big differance in doing the cardio in the am than say pm post workout?
    Lol yeah sorry you can pretty much say I didt hijack the post but im sure he would have the same or similar questions also.

    Before I would do my cardio before I would do weight machines.

    To answer your question yes, I do notice a difference I have much more energy than I used to before during the day.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    Lol yeah sorry you can pretty much say I didt hijack the post but im sure he would have the same or similar questions also.

    Before I would do my cardio before I would do weight machines.

    To answer your question yes, I do notice a difference I have much more energy than I used to before during the day.
    Always do cardio after u weight train.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    You dont weight train!?

    You should always weight train....I would weight train every other day if I were you. I would do cardio every other day that i dont weight train. Also do cardio in the morning on 1 more day that you also weight train.

    Well I read that I should do cardio every day in the AM on the empty Stomach.

    Also I do some work out but I was told its not a work out at all.. I use the abdominal machine which is the one where you sit and you do crunhes that is the one that I do the most. then I do another one for my chest and my back. I dont work out my legs because those are pretty solid as they are. Most of my fat is on my stomach arms and chest. So that is what I work out.

    Any suggestions on what kind of weight training I should do?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    Well I read that I should do cardio every day in the AM on the empty Stomach.

    Also I do some work out but I was told its not a work out at all.. I use the abdominal machine which is the one where you sit and you do crunhes that is the one that I do the most. then I do another one for my chest and my back. I dont work out my legs because those are pretty solid as they are. Most of my fat is on my stomach arms and chest. So that is what I work out.

    Any suggestions on what kind of weight training I should do?
    Yea you DEFINITLY need to visit the workout forum. Guys there will help u out and u need help in a good way.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Yea you DEFINITLY need to visit the workout forum. Guys there will help u out and u need help in a good way.


    Cool I am going now...... Thanks Fort.

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