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  1. #1
    richiecent is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008

    can anyone give me a good link for Clen and T-3?

    i want to look into getting a fat burner and ive heard prom a lot of people that both of these products are amazing and used together are even better. but either or i would like to read on a forum as far as side effects or horror stories and whatnot and are they an insulin ? how much to take? how long to take it for?...and all those awesome questions....if anyone can provide any help thatd be awesome with either advice or a link to a forum where my questions can be answered.

    thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Jun 2007
    this should help

    Clenbuterol FAQ

    Cytomel (T3)

    Clen /t3


    to stack the clen/t3 for a 6 week cycle i would start at 60mcg and increase by 20mcg every three days till either the sides are unbearable or your bp gets close to 135-85, then back it down 20mcg and keep there until a week before the cycle ends, then taper down 20mcg every two days or so, run diphenhydramine, which you can get cheap at a dollar store or big lots, it's sold as allergy remedy, just look at the active ingredients to see, run it either every third week at 50mg before bed or eod/ed at 50mg before bed, whichever you want, i personally use it everyday, but then again i'm running 300+mcg/day of clen, which i doubt you'll get close to

    for the t3, start at 50mcg and ramp up to 100-125mcg over a week, 125mcg will raise the metabolism but you have a chance of losing muscle so eat alot of protein, 300-350g a day should do, and get it from real food, not shakes, stay on whichever dose you decide to run for the length of the cycle

    for suppliments i would run 3-5g of taurine/day to help with cramping from the clen, if that doesn't help up it to 8g/day and get some potassium, drink lots of fluids as you will be sweating alot, plus fat needs a water saturated enviornment to burn optimally, and i would take a multivitamin upon waking and before bed

  3. #3
    pay tribute's Avatar
    pay tribute is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by richiecent View Post
    and are they an insulin?

    No. Try the research site sponsored by this forum. AR-R .com

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