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  1. #1
    Mcpeek2008 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2008

    Needing a bit of help..

    I recently got my hands on a bottle of dbol from a ug lab in my town....well i was adviced by some good people on this forum to tone up a bit before i started my cycle...ive been cutting weight for i started about a year and a half ago with intense dieting and high protein intake to make my goals reachable.... I started at 28% body fat and am currently down to 16% (roughly)..My problem is im having trouble getting some injectable test from my source..and my cycle is going to be dbol+some sort of test (test e,p, or c..not sure yet) anyways while i have some time since he said it would take some time to get it...i would like to cut some bf down and was wondering if i should make any adjustments to my diet....thanks in advance for all your guys wonderful help and knowledge

    Im 27 years old, 6'1 and roughly 225 pounds..

    Meal 1breakfast)

    Normally a 2 scoop whey protein shake with some egg whites and rarely some oats

    Meal 2: 1 scoop protein shake, Apple with another fruit side

    Meal 3: (lunch) 2 scoop whey protein shake with a high protein meat (chicken,steak,etc)

    Meal 4: 1 scoop protein shake w/ (chunk lite tuna on wheat bread)

    Meal 5: (dinner) 2 scoop whey protein shake with whatever my wife makes for dinner

    Meal 6: Fruits and veggies (banana, etc.)

    My question is....ive been eating this day in and day out forever..and i feel like my shredding days are over...i havent been able to lose bf ina while and i would like to know what im doing wrong...Im taking in roughly 400+ gms of protein a day while keeping calories high and total fat low... im not sure if i need to change up some or what..any critisizm or helpful advice is welcome

  2. #2
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    Jun 2008
    waaaaaay to dependent on protein shakes. eat more real food, limit shakes to 2-3 scoops, with ~2 for pwo

    also you have almost no complex carbs, a lot of sugar from the fruit

  3. #3
    Mcpeek2008 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    thanks for the insight man..ill do my research in seeing what i can do to improve these...thanks bro

  4. #4
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcpeek2008 View Post

    I started at 28% body fat and am currently down to 16% (roughly) Im 27 years old, 6'1 and roughly 225 pounds.. Nice work bro

    Meal 1breakfast)

    Normally a 2 scoop whey protein shake with some egg whites and rarely some oats
    You need some complex carbs here (Oats are a good choice, yams, or potatoes with FF toppings, brown rice)

    Meal 2: 1 scoop protein shake, Apple with another fruit side
    Cut out or limit the fruit, Replace the shake with real protein, maybe tuna on whole wheat, meatloaf w/90% lean beef etc

    Meal 3: (lunch) 2 scoop whey protein shake with a high protein meat (chicken,steak,etc)
    This meal is ALL protein, did you know that your body wont ascimilate much more than 50g of preotein per meal? I would also add some flax or fish oil to this meal and some complex carbs

    Meal 4: 1 scoop protein shake w/ (chunk lite tuna on wheat bread)
    Not bad, but again, the shake may not be needed.

    Meal 5: (dinner) 2 scoop whey protein shake with whatever my wife makes for dinner

    Meal 6: Fruits and veggies (banana, etc.)
    If this is right before bed I would say a slower digesting casein is better for this meal. FF Cottage cheese and some almonds would be a good choice.

    My question is....ive been eating this day in and day out forever..and i feel like my shredding days are over...i havent been able to lose bf ina while and i would like to know what im doing wrong...Im taking in roughly 400+ gms of protein a day while keeping calories high and total fat low... im not sure if i need to change up some or what..any critisizm or helpful advice is welcome
    Best of luck bro, keep up the good work

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