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  1. #1
    Uptown is offline New Member
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    Aug 2008

    Please critique my cutting diet

    I'm very new to the forum, but after reading the stickies and several threads I think I've pieced together a somewhat decent CUTTING diet for myself. I've been running at least 200 miles per month (yes, two hundred miles) since the beginning of the year and I haven't been seeing the results I would've liked. I've lost about 30 pounds since the beginning of '08, but after watching the Milos Sarcev Secrets of the Pros videos about dieting I realized that I was going about it ALL WRONG and I'm not consuming enough calories/protien.

    I wanted to make a diet for myself that didn't turn me into a total nutrition freak. I just realistically don't see myself eating some of the stuff listed in the other sample diets and I wanted to pick "normal food" so I can stay with this. I know most of you probably won't agree with this way of thinking, but I just have no interest in choking down some of the foods that appear to be staples in other cutting diets. Given my cardio level I think I may have a little bit more leeway than most.

    Please let me know your thoughts....

    200 pounds. 14% body fat. 27 years old. Natural.

    Meal 1 - 7:00am - 1 bowl of plain Cheerios with skim milk (2 servings)
    Meal 2 - 8:30am - 1 cup of Quaker Oats mixed with 1 scoop of whey
    11:00am - **8 mile run**
    Meal 3 - 12:30pm - 2 scoops of whey and 1 package (2) Lean Pockets (turkey/broccoli/cheese - 500 calories, 14g fat, 20g protein, 70 carbs)
    Meal 4 - 2:30pm - 1 large chicken breast or 12oz lean cut of steak
    Meal 5 - 5:30pm - 2 large chicken breasts, 1/2 bag of frozen broccoli spears, 1 potato (plain)
    Meal 6 - 8:00pm - fat-free pretzels or light popcorn (2 servings)

    I still don't think I'm getting enough calories so if anyone can think of where I can add something please let me know. I work a desk job so it needs to be something that I can prepare at work and again I want to keep this diet "simple" if you know what I mean.

    **I also do weights in addition to my cardio 2 days per week.
    Last edited by Uptown; 09-23-2008 at 08:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    What foods have you seen as staples that you don't want to "choke down"?
    Everything you have listed except lean pockets (Processed garbage), pretzles and popcorn (Which contain nothing that your body wants) Cheerios (Borderline)are perfectly fine foods. Eating healthy nutritional foods doesn't make you a nutritional freak. It means you know what's good for your body.
    Just looking at this it looks like you're getting about 190g protein a day. It should be closer to 300g.
    It looks like you have no good sources of carbs other than your oats and veggies.

    I think I commented on your diet before and this is a start but a long way to go yet.

  3. #3
    swol_je's Avatar
    swol_je is offline Senior Member
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    Add some healthy fats, ***** 3 and 6

  4. #4
    Uptown is offline New Member
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    Thanks Rugger. I'd like to replace some of the "garbage" but I really have no idea of what to replace it with.

    I don't like eggs, cottage cheese, flax seed oil, brown rice and tuna....I'm also allergic to nuts.

    Is it something simple like I need to add a meal or two, or is what I have sufficient?
    Also, I was under the impression that I should be at 200g of protein rather than 300 like you mentioned. I'm basing that off what I saw in those Milos Sarcev videos..

  5. #5
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well what works the best for me and from what I've studied I go with 1.5g sometimes up to 2g of protein per lean lb in body weight.

    I would add some good carbohydrates in addition to your shake after running.

    I would add a casein shake before bed if you don't want to eat cottage cheese.
    But keep trying these things though because I used to hate sweet potatoes with a passion but I ate them every day because of the health benefits and now I actually like them...

    You can cook your chicken in Olive oil for some fats and they also make flax seed and fish oil in capsules so you wouldn't have to taste them.

    Wild rice sweet potatoes and red potatoes are good carb sources to use.

    For protein stick with the chicken, steak, lean ground beef, and whey(Do you like any fish besides tuna?) Tialpia and salmon are good ones and contain EFAs as well

  6. #6
    Uptown is offline New Member
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    Aug 2008
    Good suggestions Rugger. I like most kinds of fish, but I hate tuna. I'll add some carbs to my PWO and I'll consider a shake before I go to sleep at night, although I thought it's bad to consume anything right before sleep (not sure where I heard that).

    I'll check out the red potatoes for carbs. Can you please let me know if I should be havign a shake right before I got to sleep? I've always been under the impression that I should eat NOTHING right before bed.

    thanks man.

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