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  1. #1
    luckyadt is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Post Crash/Surgery Diet

    Hello all.
    My name is David and I am 31 6ft 220 @25% bfp
    I used to work out regularly and had a decent handle on my diet until a car accident.

    I have had 3 surgery's(Back Neck Acl) in the past 1.5 years and am Finally ok'ed to do some upper body exercises (I have to use a cane so legs and low back are out still).

    The problem is that my metabolism is soooooo slooow due to the lack of activity and I am at the highest bfp in my life.

    I have no idea how to approach dropping the extra weight (usually just cardio and lower carbs).

    I know i need to add some muscle mass so that I can normalize my metabolism, but I also need to drop some of this extra weight to make it easier to build lean muscle.

    I know I will probably never get to 100% and i'm cool with that, I just need to know where to start.

    Any diet help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Glad ya made it through your accident and are ready to get back in shape man.

    I've posted this a few times, but I think it applies to you as well.
    To keep your metabolism up and running, you'll need to eat at LEAST 5 - 6 meals a day. If you can further break it down into more and smaller meals so much the better.
    I'm not sure how much you know about the proper foods to eat, so here's an example of my cutting diet:

    Upon waking:
    Cardio (empty stomach except for a cup of coffee)
    (Anything you can do to keep that heart rate up to about 70% MHR for a half hour or so.)

    Meal 1:
    4 egg whites (including 1whole egg)
    1 cup oats
    Fish/flax oil (2 capsules)

    Meal 2:
    1 can of Albacore in water
    Green veggies (steamed)
    Sweet potato

    Meal 3:
    1 cup cooked brown rice with 4 oz chicken breast and broccoli mixed in

    Meal 4:
    Repeat meal 3, add flax/fish oil

    Work out followed by
    Meal 5: PWO Shake

    Meal 6:
    Repeat meal 2 except remove sweet potato. Add some sunflower seeds or almonds and FF cottage cheese before bed.

    Obviously this diet changes some as I get bored or sick of certain foods but the nutritional aspect of it remains the same.

    Here are some good choices for your intakes of carbs, protein and fat.

    Carbs - Sweet potatoes, red potatoes, oats (No sugar added), brown rice, wild rice, barley, Green leafy vegetables, Ezekiel or whole wheat bread (sparingly)

    Protein - About 1 - 1.5 times your lean body weight per day in grams of protein.
    Sources -
    Steak, lean ground beef, chicken breast, tuna, salmon or other fish, egg whites or whole eggs, beef jerkey (if you don't mind the sodium) and whey protein (I have one shake after working out, try to stick with real food as much as you can).

    Fats - Flax, Fish or olive oil, casein or dairy products, avacadoes, nuts, egg yolks.

    See what kind of meals you can put together that work for you around your schedule, just try to get the proper amount in. If you come up with a scheduled diet, post it up again and include the macro breakdown for each meal and totals for the day for further critiquing.

    Cardio is gonna be what sheds the fat the most for you, so I'm wondering, what will you be able to do as far as sustained cardio goes?

  3. #3
    luckyadt is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Thanks a ton ill start tomorrow.
    The only cardio I can do is exercise bike but I usually work out using the German volume training method (10x10) x2 1-0-3 lift count and 1:15 between sets. Ill just use that withe the cardio.

    Last edited by luckyadt; 10-22-2008 at 06:09 PM.

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