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  1. #1
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Diet on the main site.

    This diet is on the main site but I was wondering what everyone's thoughts was on it? I ask because when my syringes get here I can start my gear and I do not want to fvck this up. But this seems high in carbs to me.

    P CH F kcal
    First meal, 7 am:
    8 oz. oatmeal 25 155 18 880
    0.6 1 skim milk, 0.3% fat 21 29 2 240
    0.2 1 orange juice --- 18 --- 80
    3 oz. grapes 1 17 --- 70
    47 219 20 1270

    Second meal, 10.30 am:
    10 oz, whole wheat bread 18 120 6 600
    4 oz. cheese, 12% fat 22 5 10 200
    0.51 kefir milk 20 20 4
    1 banana 1 35 ---150
    61 180 20 1150

    Third meal, 2.00 pm:
    8 oz. brown rice 22 170 6 850
    10 oz. turkey 60 --- 5 300
    5 oz. vegetables 1 7 --- 30
    93 177 11 1180

    Fourth meal, 5.30 pm
    5 whole eggs 30 --- 30 400
    16 Oz. baked potatoes 10 100 5 430
    Mixed salad 1 10 ---50
    41 110 35 880

    Fifth meal, 9,00 pm:
    7 oz. cottage cheese 25 5 4 200
    7 Oz. whole wheat bread 12 80 4 400
    1 oz. peanut buffer 6 3 10 120
    1 apple, approx. 4 oz. --- 14 --- 60
    0.2 1 orange juice --- 18 --- 80
    43 120 18 860

    Total: P 285 CH 806 F 104 kCal 5340

  2. #2
    dg101's Avatar
    dg101 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey brother. I apologize if you posted this somewhere else and i didn't see it but what are your stats and goals? I'm assuming this is a bulking diet, right? Any idea what your caloric needs are for cutting/maintenance/bulking? Hit me up with them, and i can probably give a more detailed response...


  3. #3
    IM708's Avatar
    IM708 is offline AR's Supplement Guru
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    Looks like you would get some weight gain from fat on that diet.

  4. #4
    fit4ever180's Avatar
    fit4ever180 is offline Member
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    Tigershark's stats are:

    189 lbs.
    15% bf
    age ?

    Is this accurate Tigershark?

    The carbs would be way overblown for a guy your size! I would up the protein 100g or so since you're planning on cycling... Cut the carbs inhalf (400-475 should be plenty), you could leave the fats where they are or decrease them 20g or so... It just depends on what you feel your body needs... There aren't enough meals either... You have gaps of 3.5 hours between eating... IMO, especially while cycling, you should be eating every 2.5 hours

  5. #5
    dg101's Avatar
    dg101 is offline Junior Member
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    I would second everything FIT wrote. He knows his stuff.

  6. #6
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Thanks all. I will make the changes. And is 15% BF too much for a cycle?

  7. #7
    fit4ever180's Avatar
    fit4ever180 is offline Member
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    Thanks dg

    I'm not the most experienced guy on cycling... I can only tell you what I've read and been told by the vets, which is 15% is the absolute minimum for a person to cycle... Ideally you should be closer to 10% or less, but anything over 15% you're asking for more pronounced side effects... What are you going to run?

  8. #8
    dg101's Avatar
    dg101 is offline Junior Member
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    I would like to add that you should try to keep your caloric intake somewhat uniform over the course of your five meals. I personally try to keep my meals within 50-75 calories of each other. But, i figure that once the carbs are reduced, it will most become more even, and then just some simple tinkering should be able to get your macros more level. Best of luck brother.


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