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Thread: My Diet!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    My Diet!

    Here comes an example of how my diet looked like. Then I was 95kg=210lbs, 5'11(which I still am), and bodyfat 7%. And I was taking 50mg/winny day, and 100mcg clen. Please comment!

    Early breakfast:1 proteindrink
    -1 hour walk-
    Breakfast:0,05lbs Oats rolled+3 eggwhites
    Snack:1 protein drink, 1 apple
    Lunch:0,10lbs porkfillet or chickenfillet or tuna+0,15lbs rice or 0,20lbs potatoes+salad
    After training:1 Gainer drink
    Dinner: Look at the lunch
    Evening Snack:1 proteindrink
    Before going to bed Snack: 1 Quark (0,12lbs-fat 1%)

    (Don't know what measures you Americans use when you weigh food but hope lbs is correct) Measures are changed!!!!, sorry for the confusion!!! 0,25=0.25=1/4 I noticed that I converted the figures totally wrong the first time. 0,25lbs was supposed to be 0,25kg=0,05lbs. I'm trully sorry for this!!

    I gradually cut done on the food and after 4 months my weight was 187lbs, and bodyfat 4%. I was satisfied with the results but what can be imroved? Nothing is ever perfect!
    Last edited by Swedeboy; 11-13-2001 at 01:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    I think that your mearsurements may be a little off. ( Or is it me?)
    You eat 25 pounds of oats every morning? Your diet looks ok and it seems to be working for you at 4%. Can't get much better than that. If you begin to show some fat increase I would cut the pork out all together. Pork as far as meats go taste great but it is very high in fat and less protien than other meats. The chicken is good, Lots of protien with little fat. You may want to try looking toward supplementing your diet with some red meat. You appear not to gain fat real easy so I think you should be ok. I'm not sure what it cost in Sweden, but here in the States, Round steak is pretty cheap. Steak has alot more protien in it (even more than chicken) although it also has more fat as well. (but not NEAR as much as pork) Other than that everything looks ok to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    He means 1/4 pounds of oats. The comma is the same as a decimal in many European countries.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    well thank YOU Einstein

    Nice flag btw
    What happens here, stays here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by primodonna
    Nice flag btw

    Diet looks pretty good bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: My Diet!

    Originally posted by Swedeboy
    I gradually cut done on the food and after 4 months my weight was 187lbs, and bodyfat 4%. I was satisfied with the results but what can be imroved?
    Firts of all SB what do you want to accomplish? If you want to get's not gonna happen. As a matter of fact 4% is very unhealthy for any period of time and IMO is much too low unless you are competing. Most pros compete @ 3-4%. I'm not doubting you, but are you sure it was 4%? If that was indeed the case, why so low?

    If you are looking to increase your lean mass you will have too increase your protein intake...especially from food sources. Personally I don't like to use any more than 4 protein drinks per day, but it is neccesary when you are attempting to consume 300+ grams of protein per day. IF you are attempting to gain lean size try bumping your morning egg whites from 3 eggs to 10-12 eggs. Also eat chicken, tuna, fish and lean beef spread throughout the day. Don't limit your self to either chciken OR tuna....have both.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    That was my diet when I was going to compete in Athletic Fitnees so 4% bodyfat is correct. Think DeWil has explained what that is. But broke my hand just before the competions so .... Oh, and EXCESS thanks for the measerments explanation!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    4% BF is awsome shold be commended, great work!! I hope I can get close to that.

    You asked what improvements can be made...obviously you know how to get lean so I would assume the only thing left to improve upon is muscle (if that's the route you want to take). Are you going to compete in the fitness comps. again or in a bodybuilding show? I've seen a little of the fitness comps on TV. Is it more beneficial to be lean and somewhat muscular or would the extra body mass hurt you (I know you have to do dips and pulls ups etc. so I thought the extra wieght may be detrimental)?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Thanks for the measurement explanation Excess.
    I knew somthing had to be up as I was reading the post at 25 ponds of oats every morning not 1/4lbs. Talk about your big breakfast! My first thought was that I either had to be reading it wrong or maybe it was a typo.
    Other than that your diet looks great. 4% is assume. I have never been able to get lower than 5 myself and that was for breif periods of time as it useually stays around 8 to 10% through out the rest of the year.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by Pete235
    4% BF is awsome shold be commended, great work!! I hope I can get close to that.

    You asked what improvements can be made...obviously you know how to get lean so I would assume the only thing left to improve upon is muscle (if that's the route you want to take). Are you going to compete in the fitness comps. again or in a bodybuilding show? I've seen a little of the fitness comps on TV. Is it more beneficial to be lean and somewhat muscular or would the extra body mass hurt you (I know you have to do dips and pulls ups etc. so I thought the extra wieght may be detrimental)?

    I'm thinking of competing in fitness again in 2003. BB has to wait, I'm far to small. But since I broke my hand (2 knockles) I've been having trouble with the really heavy weights. According to the DOC I broke some arthritics in the hand. Don't know if arthritics is the right word, what I mean is the things in the hand that makes you move your fingers.
    Last edited by Swedeboy; 11-13-2001 at 02:22 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    If it ain'f broke (diet not knuckles) don't fix it. If you have to wait for competition, I have to ask...can you train like you want just not as heavy?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by dumbells101
    If it ain'f broke (diet not knuckles) don't fix it. If you have to wait for competition, I have to ask...can you train like you want just not as heavy?
    I broke my knockles in the spring of 2000. Had plaster for 5weeks, and Doc said it would take up to 6months until I'm 100% recovered if I ever get 100% since the fracture was complicated. I don't feel any pain during the "normal day work" but when I have to bend the wrist and there is pressure(weights) on it hurts. Nothing the doc can do he said. BUt to answer your question. Yes I can train as I want, just not heavy, but I try to avoid the bench and similiar exercices since these are the once that I'm most sensitive towards.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    So if you can't train as heavy as you like then and your bodyfat is at 4% then maybe you need to set some new goals that you can shoot for right now. It appears your diet works well as long as you are consuming enough to maintain your lean mass. If you keep losing weight and don't want to then you'll have to increase your calories to accomodate that deficit. 4% is really awsome bro. Make sure you're doing rehab exercises.

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