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  1. #1
    ARMY_OF_1's Avatar
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    back at it and wanted opinions and experiences

    I am 25yo, 5'8", 225lbs, 13%bf and have been training for more than 10 years. After college i fell off the map due to lack of time/motivation for about 2 years. I have been back at it again full bore for 3 months. I have seen alot of gains(as expected at the begining). I am looking for a diet that i can cut with, but maintain FULLNESS. I realize that i will lose some lean mass(THIS IS NOT MY FIRST RODEO). I am not in a big hurry to lose the fat and dont feel that i have any business using anything untill i have begun to stagnate in my progress. I even want to stay away from supps untill my progress stagnates(including fatburners) I may consider a lean bulking cycle after i get my shit together but now is not the time or place for that discussion. I can make a lot of progress naturally for months(ie 12 or more) to come. i eat very clean 6+ times a day with 1 or 2 cheat(clean carb up not pig out) meals per week usually evenly spaced every 3-4 days. I am currently on a 50p-40c-10f(plus some extra good fats like olive oil and nuts when i feel my body needs them). i do 30-60min cardio (65-70% hr) 5+ times a week and lift 5+ times a week. i know some may throw me to the wolves for overtraining but i know what my body can handle and when the time comes i will adjust the workouts accordingly.

    I simply wanted input on a diet that i can continue to maintain fullness in the muscles but gradually cut body fat. I hate feeling flat and find it to be demotivational. i would appriciate anyones input and experiences on the matter. sorry for the long post but i didnt want to waste time with"what are your stats" what is your diet like" etc. questions

    "if you always do, what you always have done, you will always get, what you always have gotten"

    Thanks Bros

    Army Of 1
    Last edited by ARMY_OF_1; 01-12-2009 at 07:11 PM.

  2. #2
    bodybuilder1107's Avatar
    bodybuilder1107 is offline Senior Member
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    you need to list the diet out so it can be critiqued, what are you taking in a day for calories and what is your bmr(basal metabolic rate)

  3. #3
    ARMY_OF_1's Avatar
    ARMY_OF_1 is offline New Member
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    ok here goes on the diet

    Meal 1
    6-8 egg whites 2 yolks
    1/2 cup dry oats

    Meal 2
    protine shake
    40p 16c 12f

    Meal 3
    2 egg whites
    1/2 cup brocolli
    6oz tuna
    1tsp olive oil

    Meal 4 Pre WO
    protine shake
    40p 16c 12f
    1/4 cup oats

    Meal 5 PostWO
    protine shake
    same as above

    Meal 6
    chicken breast(1-2)
    cooked in olive oil
    1 cup cooked whole wheat pasta
    1/2 cup broccoli

    Meal 7
    1/4 cup cottage cheese(sometimes)

    This is exactly what i ate today my macros stay pretty much the same. I substitute comperable lean beef, chicken, fish. carbs are comperable yams, brown rice,whole wheat pasta, oats.

    The 7th meal is usually if i am hungry before bed. i figure it is a better late meal without carbs

    it might not be exactly 50-40-10 but it was an estimate

    Thanks for all your help

  4. #4
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ARMY_OF_1 View Post
    Meal 1
    6-8 egg whites 2 yolks
    1/2 cup dry oats
    Not bad, I might increase the oats to 1 cup
    Meal 2
    protine shake
    40p 16c 12f
    A whole food source would be better, such as 5oz can of tuna, lean ground turkey, etc. Also add some efa's (almonds, fish oil, olive oil, etc.)
    Meal 3
    2 egg whites
    1/2 cup brocolli
    6oz tuna
    1tsp olive oil
    Looks good, might increase to 1 cup of broc if you are still hungry.
    Meal 4 Pre WO
    protine shake
    40p 16c 12f
    1/4 cup oats
    You need more pre workout carbs...up the oats to 1 cup. Consume this meal about an hour before you hit the gym.
    Meal 5 PostWO
    protine shake
    same as above
    You need more post workout carbs...up the oats to 1 cup.
    Meal 6
    chicken breast(1-2)
    cooked in olive oil
    1 cup cooked whole wheat pasta
    1/2 cup broccoli
    Drop the pasta and add more broc, also olive oil loses its properties when its heated either add some that is uncooked or another efa. If you are carb sensitive leave out the carbs here.
    Meal 7
    1/4 cup cottage cheese(sometimes)
    Good, I would have the cottage cheese every night and maybe up it to 1/2 cup.
    This is exactly what i ate today my macros stay pretty much the same. I substitute comperable lean beef, chicken, fish. carbs are comperable yams, brown rice,whole wheat pasta, oats.

    The 7th meal is usually if i am hungry before bed. i figure it is a better late meal without carbs

    it might not be exactly 50-40-10 but it was an estimate

    Thanks for all your help
    Comments in bold above^!
    I have made some suggestions but we really need to see your macros broken down for each meal and totals. Also, I don't think you are taking in enough calories for a guy your size. That being said your stats seem really stout, if you are indeed 13%bf. Would love to see a current pic if you have one.

  5. #5
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Ya those are close to smokethedays stats and he is jacked.

  6. #6
    ARMY_OF_1's Avatar
    ARMY_OF_1 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input Imola i will adjust and see what happens. I'll get ahold of a camera and get some pics up... i checked Smokethedays out and if he is 13% im probably more like 16-17%(sucks) i went with what the girl who was testing at the gym said... i guess she was wrong. i never really have had it checked until now(other than the mirror test). ill get it done again today and get a second opinion. ill get/post macros when i get back from the gym.

  7. #7
    XD40's Avatar
    XD40 is offline Senior Member
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    Good luck man...and get ahold of a camera soon

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