1st-wake up-0 carb protein
2nd-Breakfast- 5 eggs 1/2 cup grits
3rd-chicken breast with onion fresh garlic 1/4 cup white rice
4th- chicken breast with onion fresh garlic 1/4 cup white rice
workout volumizer before workout
5th post workout- protein
6th-1 6oz steak 1/4 cup broccli
7th- protein before bed

between 15-20 sets a muscle group

chest, tricepts
back, bicepts, calves
shoulders , legs, forearms
6 days on one day off cutting carbs in half on day off

CARDIO- 45 minutes walk on treadmill everyday

tell me what you guys think i havent decided if im going to cycle while doing this the people that have been helping me out with my questions know im 263 roughly 18 percent body fat and thats based off what people say i look from my pics i thought i was less

any thoughts would be appreciated