This is me and my friends first cycle on Superdrol or "M-drol" and we were wondering if this diet is good enough?

My Stats are 164.5lbs, 5'10 , 30 inch waist, and I have been working out ever since i was 12 or 13. I just cut 10 lbs to start this cycle though and this is the lowest I have been in a while. I am getting my cholesterol and body fat % measured tomorrow as well as taking before pictures "before the cycle". My weight has been between 183 and 164.5 since august though.

My Friends Stats are 164lbs, 5'11, 30 inch waist, and he has been working out consistantly for over a year and a half now and has lost over 30lbs since he has been working out and gotten stronger.

We are taking Superdrol in this manor:

Pre-Cycle ( 3 days ): Friday: 10mg, Sat: 10mg, Sun: 20mg

Cycle: Week 1: 30mg
Week 2: 30mg
Week 3: 30mg

Post Cycle: Tamoxifen 600mg spread out over the course of 3-4 weeks

( I got ripped off on a fake canadian site selling tam for no prescription online so I had to be sure and get the PCT so I bought it for pretty much more than it costs on Innov research, but this guy is legit and a lot more than this site was so I had to pay him.)


7:00 am- Breakfast: 2 Wheat and Gravy
3 Eggs (scrambled)
2 Cups Skim Milk

9:30 am- Meal2: Chicken Breast Sandwich on Wheat
2 Hamburger
1 Cup Cereal

12:00 pm- Meal3: Serious Mass Shake (600 calories)
2 Hamburger on Wheat
2 Cups Skim

3:00 pm- Meal4: Serious Mass Shake (600 calories)
2 Hamburger on Wheat
2 Cups Skim

5:30 pm- Dinner: Chicken Breasts or Fish (x3)
2 servings Veggies

8:30 pm- Lunch: Chicken Breasts or Fish Fillets (x3)
2 servings Veggies

*11:30 pm- Meal7: Chicken Breast on Wheat
2 Hamburger
1 Cup Cereal with 2 Cups Skim

*Protein(week 3) with milk, Serious Mass (weeks 2,3) with milk.
* 1.5 Gallons of Water Daily

Daily Macro’s

Protein: 377.2 g
Carbohydrates: 683.2 g
Fats: 104.9 g
Calories: 5468
( this does not include the calories or macros from lunch and dinner, as i do not know what the cafe' at my college will have in it )

What does everyone think??