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  1. #1
    guy_22_uk is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007

    Carbs, protein question! And not sure whether I should be cutting or bulking? Plz hlp

    Hi guys

    Im 23 from the UK. I've been training for about a year, usually about 4 times a week, and in need of some advice or help. Please excuse my inexperience, need help from you guys!!

    I weigh about 13 stone, and started off really skinny and was basically eating everything and anything. Started to gain weight, but started to learn more about what I should be eating

    But it was then too late and I started to get a fat stomach and am really worried about it. So now work on abs every time I train. Dont get me wrong, my upper body is looking great, but I want a diet where my arms, shoulders and chest will get even bigger. And my stomach to get smaller! Now Im not sure where my intake of protein, carbs and fat come into this, and Ive got it in my head that a low-carb diet will help me tighten up and get big.

    Anyway now Im on this low carb diet, and not sure what im doing. I know i should be eating carbs am really confused. I want to get bigger.. without getting a bigger stomach basically! Here's my diet, any help or tips at all hugely appreciated many thanx.

    Meal1: Eggs / Soya milk / Oats

    Meal2: Maybe protein shake


    PWO Meal 3: 2 steaks, green veg, pure protein shake

    Meal 4: Small portion of either brown rice or pasta
    2 / 3 pieces of chicken or tin of tuna

    Meal 5: 2 pieces of haddock
    Green veg

    Supps: Amino acids and creatine before & after training
    Glutamine in the evening.

    Not too many carbs in there at all. And I'm scared to eat any other carbs such as bread, fruits / vegs, and even fats like cheese, milk.

    Really not sure where my obsessive food behaviour is coming from, but think my diet needs tweaking so need help. What do you guys think about this diet for getting some ripped muscles, but not getting a fat stomach aswell.

    And should I be cutting or builking? Or a mixture of the two lol?!

    all comments hugely apprecaited, many thanx

    Last edited by guy_22_uk; 02-14-2009 at 06:47 AM.

  2. #2
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    kalspic is offline Senior Member
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    whats your stats?

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