Heres my recipe for a really tasty oat muesli that I eat sometimes. Certainly beats boring porridge hands down.....


Rolled Oats,
Grated apple
Apple juice or cranberry juice
Frozen mixed berries
Extras - mixed nuts/dried fruit

I find it easy to make this in a large batch and keep it in the fridge for a few days. Not any longer though.

Take approx 150g rolled oats, add enough of your chosen juice to cover the oats by 1cm in a tupperware container and stir. Add approx 100g of frozen mixed berries (i.e. blueberry's/raspberrys etc) and any extras and mix. Leave in the Fridge overnight.

In the morning, grate an apple into your museli portion, stir and enjoy.

No need for milk on it as the oats become soft in the juice.

Keeps well for prob 3-4 days and is a great snack for when you dont want to cook and need something immediately.