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  1. #1
    lozza89's Avatar
    lozza89 is offline Junior Member
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    protein and liver damage

    hi i eat around 250-300 grams of protein a day ive had a month off over christmas and after that ive been ill , ive got manic tonsilitus, chest and sinus infection and glandular fever so im gonna be out for a while, the doc asked if id ever taken oral steroids or do i drink alot which i dont drink often and never taken steroids because my liver is being overworked and is abit damaged he seems to think its from all the protein my bodys processing is making it work too hard so it means lower the protein any people got any views or experiences like this happen to them?

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
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    never happened to me, and i eat more protein than that. but... i also see my physician and have those things checked; liver values, blood draws, hell i even had my test levels checked just last year. with the way the health of my country (U.S.A.) is going, most of these checks can at least be covered by insurance companies if you do them annually.

  3. #3
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    You could just have had a bad liver from the get go...

    I would listen to your doctor.

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    the liver plays an important role in protein digestion (pancreas as well) . The liver needs to convert the ammonia , a by product of amino acid conversion, into urea so it can be excreted. Its not the first time ive heard that if u have liver issues switch to a higher carb lower protein , low fat type diet. Id listen....

  5. #5
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Lozza,do your workouts poop out quickly? For example on bench press, do you start out ok, but your last couple sets have no pop and you fatigue extra easily?

  6. #6
    lozza89's Avatar
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    erm nope im relatively strong through out the workout, why do you ask? and apparently glandular fever messes alot with your liver n weakens enough to get jaundice on some ocasions im jus gna have a bloodt test in a months time then get bak on the diet n training and have another see what the results come out as

  7. #7
    Godson's Avatar
    Godson is offline Associate Member
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    how much do you weigh ?

  8. #8
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lozza89 View Post
    erm nope im relatively strong through out the workout, why do you ask? and apparently glandular fever messes alot with your liver n weakens enough to get jaundice on some ocasions im jus gna have a bloodt test in a months time then get bak on the diet n training and have another see what the results come out as
    usually GRAND fatigue is a sign of liver damage, can be mistaken for lethargy, and overall burnout.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    What the hell is manic tonsillitis?

    I have never heard anyone use the term glandular fever before. Looks like it is a term for mononucleosis. In any case I doubt you have 5 diseases simultaneously.

    Post your AST and ALT if you have them. Did he test you for EBV (mono virus)?

  10. #10
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lozza89 View Post
    hi i eat around 250-300 grams of protein a day ive had a month off over christmas and after that ive been ill , ive got manic tonsilitus, chest and sinus infection and glandular fever so im gonna be out for a while, the doc asked if id ever taken oral steroids or do i drink alot which i dont drink often and never taken steroids because my liver is being overworked and is abit damaged he seems to think its from all the protein my bodys processing is making it work too hard so it means lower the protein any people got any views or experiences like this happen to them?
    what the hell is manic tonsilitus... why don't you just get your tonsils and adenoids removed?

    sinus infection = get a nasal spray. lol

    are you like 100 years old?? you sound like you're dying.

  11. #11
    lozza89's Avatar
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    sorry for late responses on bumping thris thread but i weight about 193 now did weigh about 206 , and it wasnt tonsilitus in the end it was a quinsey (abscess on the tonsils) so i had to get that drained, and the apparent reason i got all these problems at once was because whilst having glandular fever i worked for about 10 days (12 hour shifts) n ran my immune system through the ground, i dont have any test results they just rang and told me what was up with me n prescribed me the meds, although i got prescribed omoxocillin n gave me a huge rash argh, anwyays cheers for the responses , oh and the liver is fine now

  12. #12
    Voltaire's Avatar
    Voltaire is offline Junior Member
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    Liver enzymes can go up due to protein intake and Legal supp intake. I was on anabolic halo and it raised my liver enzymes up to above healthy baselines. Keep it natural in your food intake and easy on vits and supps. That helps the liver return to normal function. Most legal supps are ineffective and dangerous and roids are illegal yet safe. Ironic huh!

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