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  1. #1
    XD-9 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009

    Hi GI or low GI before workout?

    What do you guys think? My guess is that it would depend how close to your workout you eat your meal. Blood sugar rises after a meal and in response insulin level increase, thus your cells are in an anabolic state. As blood sugar level drop and the body begins to produce glucagon, nutrients are released from fat cells and used for energy for the muscle. We don't want the blood sugar level to go too high because then the insulin feeds the muscle cells and deposits the rest as fat right? Which also makes me question why would eat hi GI carbs directly post-workout?

  2. #2
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2006
    usually fruit does me well pre workout

  3. #3
    quadsofsteel's Avatar
    quadsofsteel is offline Junior Member
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    hey man. i read an article on this a while ago.

    "High-glycemic carbohydrates produce a rush of glucose into the bloodstream, elevating blood sugar levels dramatically. The sudden rise stimulates a release of the hormone insulin , which essentially negates the high-energy effects of glucose. The rapid release of insulin shuttles the glucose out of the bloodstream, effectively dropping energy levels to lethargic lows. To make matters worse, it also takes the fatty acid energy source with it, shoveling it into the fat cells for storage. High-glycemic foods, therefore, carry a double curse, keeping you fat and lazy.In the past experts recommended that foods high in simple sugars— such as candy, cookies and soft drinks—be avoided for the aforementioned reasons. While that’s true, many revered energy sources are also considered high-glycemic foods. Surprisingly, many kinds of pasta, rice and potatoes rank rather high on the glycemic index. Breads and cereals are also often offensive, fast enough to zap energy levels and hoard fat. Fortunately, you can get the opposite results with low-glycemic foods. They provide more stable energy levels and a slower insulin response, favoring the probability of productive workouts and sustained vitality. Those foods rank in the below-70 category on the glycemic index chart."

    Lethargy doesnt exactly sound like a physical state I want to occur in the middle of a workout. i guess if u were to go with a fruit like banana or apple. kool. just dont think you will perform any better by drinking sugary redbulls or the big can of monster.

  4. #4
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    I usually have protein and an apple.

  5. #5
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2006
    I never have redbulls or monsters... Most of the time ill have NO shotgun along with my fruit pre workout.

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