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Thread: Naps......

  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what section this should have gone in but I feel any section almost would have been sufficient... ;]

    So I came home today after work and took a nap from like 6:15p.m. - 9:30. How do you guys adjust for this?

    1.) if you take a 3 hour nap can you sleep 6 hours over night instead of 8 and be ok? (are those 3 hours in the nap a nice 'growing' 3 hours?)

    2.) Last time i ate was 5 p.m. it's now 10 p.m. which is 5 hours with no food.... seems bad but I feel full?? Should I go eat a meal right now anyway? I would imagine so but what tips or info could anyone provide me with when it comes to eating / napping?

    anything else on napping would be great!! I'm curious, thanks for any info that can be provided... :]

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    I'm not sure what section this should have gone in but I feel any section almost would have been sufficient... ;]

    So I came home today after work and took a nap from like 6:15p.m. - 9:30. How do you guys adjust for this?

    1.) if you take a 3 hour nap can you sleep 6 hours over night instead of 8 and be ok? (are those 3 hours in the nap a nice 'growing' 3 hours?)
    not as good as night rest as your body takes a little while to enter REM sleep, which occurs 4-5x during the night and increases in duration towards the end of sleep, so a nap might have 1-2 short REM cycles while a full night of sleep might have 4-5 with some short and others longer towards the end
    2.) Last time i ate was 5 p.m. it's now 10 p.m. which is 5 hours with no food.... seems bad but I feel full?? Should I go eat a meal right now anyway? I would imagine so but what tips or info could anyone provide me with when it comes to eating / napping?
    you can eat right before, though that can disturb your sleep as your body has to digest food during sleeping, if you eat make it something easy to digest, like liquid egg whites
    anything else on napping would be great!! I'm curious, thanks for any info that can be provided... :]
    that being said, sleep is vital for several functions so if your body wants sleep, let it sleep

  3. #3
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    cool thanks for your quick reply! What kind of liquid egg whites do you eat?? I mean.... I've heard of people putting egg whites in their shakes? but are those just normal egg whites you get from cracking open an egg and seperating them from the yolks? I thought I heard something about some sort of egg whites that were a bit different and didn't need to be cooked? (maybe i'm retarded and am not correct...) lol I'll research egg whites and see but if you could shine some light on this that'd be great too! Thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
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    that's exactly what i buy, they are pasteurized and therefore have a 95% bioavailibility

  5. #5
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post

    that's exactly what i buy, they are pasteurized and therefore have a 95% bioavailibility
    awesome!!! I'll have to get some.... Do you put them raw in your shakes?? if so how does it make the shake taste vs. not adding them? (just a texture difference?) I usually would prefer whites coming from the eggs I have and seperating them myself (tastes better it seems) but I can still do that for the eggs I cook I guess... Thanks again!

  6. #6
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    awesome!!! I'll have to get some.... Do you put them raw in your shakes?? if so how does it make the shake taste vs. not adding them? (just a texture difference?) I usually would prefer whites coming from the eggs I have and seperating them myself (tastes better it seems) but I can still do that for the eggs I cook I guess... Thanks again!
    i don't put them in shakes, the only shake i have is PWO sometimes, the cartons work out to 50g exactly so i take a couple with me to school and chug them in between class with some bananas or veges, they have no taste cold and as they warm there is a little egg smell but nothing bad

  7. #7
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i don't put them in shakes, the only shake i have is PWO sometimes, the cartons work out to 50g exactly so i take a couple with me to school and chug them in between class with some bananas or veges, they have no taste cold and as they warm there is a little egg smell but nothing bad
    WOW! you drink a carton straight up???? lol sounds gross but you know what.... I need to give it a try! hahaha cool! thanks for the help!

  8. #8
    Rockstar1990's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    that being said, sleep is vital for several functions so if your body wants sleep, let it sleep
    YES! i totally agree 100%, your body is a very smart mechanism, listen to you body and give it want it wants. If your going to take a nap that consist of 3 or more hours then drink a casein shake before taking it. Your body grows wuscle when you are at a state of rest(even if your just laying there) when your muscles have no tension this is when the brain signals to repair muscle. So that being said if you can take a nap and sleep 8 hours go for it. I would suggest to always sleep 8 hours at the end of the day and if you can add naps that is awesome

    Also, just like when your hungry if you plan your eating schedule and eat 4000calories or w/e it may be and u are hungry in between the meal, just eat a protien bar or snake but still eat the meal you planed on eating at the same time.

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