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  1. #1
    tako1018 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009

    New Diet plan review

    Hi guys,

    I'm a first time user to this forum and was just trying to get a better review about a diet i put together.

    JUst a little background about myself. Currently I'm 20 years old about 5'10 ish and about 188 pounds.

    Currently i'm a solid guy, but unfortunately due to the fact i stopped really working out on a planned schedule for the latter part of about 1 year now i have definitely put on a decent amount of fat. About 1 year ago i used to diet very hard and workout about 5-6 days a week and had a great time. Due to college and funds atm not allowing me to join a gym i decided to put together a nutrition plan and an in home workout plan due to the lack of being able to get to a gym. For a better image you can definitely see i have muscle but i have some areas with fat and flab on them such as my lower abs, lower back, chest, etc. My goal is to get rid of this embarassing flubber and to basically slim down. I eat about every 2 1/2- 3 hours

    My normal day's meal plan

    meal 1 (right when i wake up): 1 banana, 1 instant oatmeal

    meal 2: 6 egg whites and usually will have an apple or a few roasted almonds.

    Meal 3: 4 ounces of grilled chicken with 2 egg whites.

    Meal 4: 6 ounces of chicken with 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup of vegetable ( broccoli, asparagus etc)

    Meal 5: usually just another snack such as an apple and some more almonds.

    Currently i think the calorie count is somewhere around 1600-1700 which is pretty low and about 100 or so calories less to maintain my current weight. I'm very commited so it isn't really a problem

    I do cardio 4 days a week. I hatee to jog so i decided to implement a fast pace walk (~4mph-5) around my town. I try to hit every hill i can and usually walk at this pace for 35-40 mins about 3 miles or so. After the walk i do about 3 sets of pushups (decline sometimes) and 3 sets of abdominal work.

    I am just worried with such little calories and not enough workout that im going to be losing muscle more so than losing fat. Should i implement some protein shakes into my diet or do i not have enough workout going on in order for them to be effective? I do have dumbells that can go up to 40 lbs each. Is there anything else that i should be doing to lose this fat while keeping the muscle i already have?

    After the first week : i started at 199 lbs and now am at 186.9 im guess a high percent is definitely water weight.

    Just looking for some advice

    thanks again sorry for the long post
    Last edited by tako1018; 03-30-2009 at 09:02 AM.

  2. #2
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    the diet definately needs more calculations, total calories/grams of protein/carbs/fats and definately a PWO.. the calories are extrememly low to lose weight you will definately sacrifice muscle. Me and you are about the same stats except you are about 8 lbs heavier so add about 200 calories more than my diet to yours... like 1/4 or 1/2 cup mixed nuts will deff do the job.. here is my post and my diet so you can have a better idea

    here it is...

  3. #3
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    So you wanna learn how to Diet?
    while your at it, watch these videos

  4. #4
    tako1018 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009
    Thanks for the responses guys, Im currently while watching the videos, looking for a reliable trying to calculate the amount of fat proten and carbs im intaking. As far as the home workouts or about 6-10 sets im doing 4 days a week since i cant afford a gym atm will that suffice or is the only real answer is to get into a gym?

    Once again thanks for the help thus far and i will reply with more of the numbers

  5. #5
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    matters to what equipment you have at home...

  6. #6
    marionx is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Healthy eating can reduce your stress levels. Combine this with daily exercise and you will increase this effect even more.
    diet plan

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