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  1. #1
    jbb4343 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Sick 3 weeks into cycle, eating issues

    27M 195lbs 15%
    using cycle to cut / put on a lean 10lbs

    Prop 150mg EOD 3.5 weeks in, 6 left
    anavar 50mg ED 2.5 weeks in, 6 left

    I ended up missing 1 prop shot sunday, since i was laid up in bed all day and basically slept for 30 hours.

    quick run down, everything has been going great, training hard, was eating good, making gains in the gym, and was able to see some appearance changes. This past weekend, i became extremely ill (food poisioning from expired protien shake) and threw up for 24 hours, and was not able to eat anything more then a few apple slices. I lost about 10lbs, basically all of the weight i gained (mainly water weight since i was extremely dehydrated). Each day, little by little I am getting some appetite back, but nothing like i had, and now my protient intake is at best about 150g-200g. The diet / schedule i had is gone. The biggest thing is Im not able to have protien shakes right now. Just the sight of it makes me sick, so i am losing a good 50-75g a day from shakes that i use to drink.

    Anyway, assuming i can get back to normal by saturday, which will make it a week of not eating good, do you think overall i shoudl still make some decent gains with the remaining 5 weeks? I still have been training, even traind Monday with barely any energy and still had increases on bench from the week before.

  2. #2
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    you can still make decent gains..

    let this be a lesson learned though, careful what you put in your mouth..

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