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  1. #1
    fbm is offline New Member
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    have i got the ratio ok?

    Got myself a Diet plan worked out today to gain weight and found out from all the packages what Protein, Carbs and Fat i will be getting. Added it all up and found the below results

    Daily Total in Grams [P = 239g C = 380g F = 101g]
    Daily Total in Calories [P = 956] [C = 1500] [F = 909] Total = 3365

    Is the ratio ok here for gaining weight or do i need more of something and less of something else?

    My Stats

    Height : 6ft
    Weight : 147lb
    Age : 24
    Target Weight: 170lb

    My diet consists of
    1 bowl of cereal supplemented with a shake
    4 proper meals including tuna, pasta, chicken, steak, rice, vegies.
    2 supplement top ups in between meals and work consiting of a shake and added a banana for carb boost as it was a bit low to start.

    Workout will consist of 3 mornings a week swimming for 45-60 minutes and 5 days a week workout for 45 minutes with weights.

    EDIT : Forgot to say once my body is used to eating this much food i will be trying to replace the supplments with another meal and gradually try to work up to 6-7 meals a day.

    Hows it looking?
    Last edited by fbm; 06-12-2009 at 10:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Actually the ratios look good to me.

    My I say the food selections could you some work. Complex carbs is what you need not cereal. Oats, sweet potatos, bananas PWO are good, brown rice etc.

    Where are you getting the fats in at? Not just the steak, cause i hope you aren't eating ribeyes. they need to be of a leaner source 90/10 or better is good, whole eggs, fish oils, flax seed oil.

    Outline your daily diet routine from the morning to the last meal at night

  3. #3
    fbm is offline New Member
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    This is the plan

    Meal 1 (8:00) [P = 15g C = 64g F = 10g] [Calories = 418]

    Rice Krispies = [P = 6g C = 32g F = 2.5g]
    Shake = [P = 9g C = 34g F = 8g]

    Meal 2 (10:30) [P = 46g C = 73g F = 25g] [Calories = 701 ]

    1 tin of tuna mayo and 100g of pasta

    Meal 3 (13:00) [P = 56g C = 24g F = 11.5g] [Calories = 423.5]

    1 x chicken breast with rice and veggies

    Workout (14:30)

    PWO Nutrition (15:15) [P = 10g C = 61g F = 9g] [Calories = 418]

    Shake = [P = 9g C = 34g F = 8g]
    Banana = [P = 1g C = 27g F = 1g]

    Meal 4 (17:00) [P = 56g C = 24g F = 11.5g] [Calories = 423.5]

    1 x chicken breast with rice and veggies

    Meal 5 (19:00) [P = 46g C = 73g F = 25g] [Calories = 701]

    1 tin of tuna mayo and 100g of pasta

    Meal 6 (21:30) [P = 10g C = 61g F = 9g] [Calories = 418]

    Shake = [P = 9g C = 34g F = 8g]
    Banana = [P = 1g C = 27g F = 1g]

    I knwo supplement shakes are not good long term but i need to use them to build up my diet and will replace them with additional meals when my body is ready for it. I'm a true beleive in building it up slowly and know if i jump in at th edeep end with 7-8 meals a day i'll struggle and give up.

    PS, The steak will be introduced as a mix between the some days having the chicken and other days having steak, not sure which steak yet that is the only item i dont have in the fridge so need to get down teh supermarket and checkout which is best
    Last edited by fbm; 06-12-2009 at 12:35 PM.

  4. #4
    fbm is offline New Member
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    oh yes the flax seed oil I forgot that, i have sourced a local health food shop which sell it in 1000mg capsules so was going to introduce one capsule a morning into the diet?

  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fbm View Post
    oh yes the flax seed oil I forgot that, i have sourced a local health food shop which sell it in 1000mg capsules so was going to introduce one capsule a morning into the diet?
    Thats only 1g of fat. You are going to need much more than that and I would spread them out throughout the day.

  6. #6
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Well you gotta learn sometime so start now.

    Rice krispies? Are we serious about gaining weight? Oat meal and eat egg whites combined with two whole eggs in the morning

    I'd add another banana to that PWO meal

    and now that I see what you eat I think your macros are WAY off, you are getting 700 cals in 1 can of tuna and 4ozs of pasta, also 25grams of fat?? Its off. What kind of pasta, whole grain I hope and not white

    Pasta should be considered IMO at treat every once in while not a mainstay in ones diet. Potatoes need to be the main carb IMO to ones diet in order to be successful

    With the steak I'd replace Meal 5 with steak and not be eating so many cans of tuna every day, yeah its easy but you want to gain correct.

    Your macros are off for sure and you will see less than desirable results fooling yourself. We need to change your sources of food around a bit and less excuses of believing that adjusting yourself to a diet is beneficial. You want gains now or later???

    Also that late night shake, I'm hoping that is a casein shake and not a what you use throughout the day

    I'll be back on later to help, but look into your macros deeper and write it down.

  7. #7
    fbm is offline New Member
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    oh ok i didnt realise they were for fat i thought it was protein i would get out of them. How many should i introduce into my diet 2-3 a day?

  8. #8
    Reed's Avatar
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    Well the calories could be correct w/ the pasta/tuna meal depending on how much mayo you put on it but what i getting at was the 25 grams of fat.

    4oz of pasta= 350-400 cals depending on which you buy w/ about 1.1 - 14 grams of fat
    1 can of tuna= 190 cals anywhere from 1.5-5 grams of fat again depending on which you buy
    mayo=??? this is where I was wondering how much fat you are getting in
    Last edited by Reed; 06-12-2009 at 01:20 PM. Reason: spelling

  9. #9
    Reed's Avatar
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    Look through your macros again, replace the pasta for potatoes preferably sweet potatos/yams, and add in a red meat meal at least once a day, ditch the rice krispies and replace with oats. ditch the shake in the morning for a egg whites and whole eggs to equal your macros

    and at the end of the night either add some type of fat to slow digestion like flax oil or fish oil, or do a red meat meal, casein protein shake, or cottage cheese

    good luck

  10. #10
    fbm is offline New Member
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    Hey Reed thanks for the post.

    Not sure where my numbers are wrong i took all the P,C,F numbers off the back of the packs relevent to the portions i will be eating. I then calculated the Calories by multiplying the protein and carbs by 4 and the fat multipled by 9 which i have seen on many sites as the way to calculate it but if i'm wrong then yes i want to learn and get it right

    I'm a begginer so expect to get things wrong, as for the rice krispies and shake in the morning was just something quick and easy before having to get out to work, i guess i'll have to make time to include something a little more rich in nutrients.

    Again same reason for using pasta twice a day becuase i can make it together and create a portion for the late afternoon meal but if its not best to do this then open to suggestions on how to improve it, boiling potatoes i suppose could be introduced at meal 5 with a steak?

    The shakes i use are Complan and you can see the info here.

    I was thinking of using a whey protein shake but i thought my protein levels were high enough, again advice is needed.

    Yes i want the gains now and take on board your comment about easing my way into this diet but for my size this is a big step for me already no point trying something i cant stick too and giving up on. It needs to be something that works even if the gains are not huge to start with, i have to fit the food in around work aswell so some of the meals have to be things which can be eaten cold or warmed up.

    I here alot fo people sayign to eat 8 full meals a day, maybe if i was 200lb+ and had a heavy diet already but i'm tiny so 8 meals a day i know will be a waste of time for me cos i will firstly feel sick with that much food, i will be constantly bloated and tiered affecting my work and ultimately the restults although gains would be maximised the affects of eating that much starting out at my weight i think is just too much. If i'm wrong and there is people here that eat or have eaten 8 meals a day at my weight then ok but surely there can't be many 145lb skinny people that can cram 8 full meals a day into there body

    I appreciate your comments and hope you can give me a few more pointers on my plan later tonight. Any help with getting this right is really helpful

  11. #11
    fbm is offline New Member
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    the 2 grams of fat in the tuna meal is broken down like this

    13g from the 100g of tuna
    1g in the pasta
    11g from the mayo, this is one table spoon mixed into the pasta and tuna.

    I guess this mayo is really bad?

  12. #12
    Reed's Avatar
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    well i'm still here just waiting on a phone call to leave

    what i'd suggest is to break down your meals with more reasonable portions. 56 grams of protein is just plain too much for anyone at anytime. I suggest more in the 25-40 grams of protein range. Thats what i get.

    Up the protein intake in the morning, I looked at that shake and feel you need to find a better shake. Some type of whey protein shake from ON nutrition or something of the sort

    Another reason to replace the tuna with red meat is the calorie/protein ratio of both. You can get more cals w/ less protein in red meat. Protein is NOT the end all be all to gaining weight, its is a combination of all the macros

    I understand you are new to it and what to take steps slowly and honestly your right cause I don't want you to give up, and honestly that is much better than what 90% of people out there eat.

    The macros I see that are off is what I explained in post #8..... look again, mayo is not bad just the amount as i just believe that is too much fat for someone at one time. Things need to be split more evenly throughout the day

    Now I gotta go so I'll come back through later
    Last edited by Reed; 06-12-2009 at 01:22 PM.

  13. #13
    Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fbm View Post
    the 2 grams of fat in the tuna meal is broken down like this

    13g from the 100g of tuna
    1g in the pasta
    11g from the mayo, this is one table spoon mixed into the pasta and tuna.

    I guess this mayo is really bad?
    maybe chose a "lighter" tuna instead of one that is more than likely in oil.

  14. #14
    fbm is offline New Member
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    Cheers Reed,

    I thought i answered post#8 in post #11 maybe were both typing too quickly and missing posts

    From your post #8 i see the Tuna you got has much less fat than the one i get cos i double cheked the tin and the figures i put in post #11 is accurate.

    The plan needs work and i'm happy to amend it and make it better so all this advice is really good,


  15. #15
    fbm is offline New Member
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    there we go again you reponded to another whilst i was typing lol. I'll let you get off, i'll think abotu what you said and see how i can work the changes in around my working hours.

    If you can recomend any of the supplement shakes and other stuff on a website which delivers to the UK that would be great, theres so much whey protein on teh market i don't know whats what.

  16. #16
    fbm is offline New Member
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    It may of been handy to say i used to weigh 126lb 12 months ago and was alarmingly under weight before introducing complan 3 times a day and tuna/pasta dishes 2/3 times a day. after gaining 17lb over 6 months I stopped gaining on that diet which is the reason for the new plan i have posted here.

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