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  1. #1
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    Criticize anything and everything please!

    Alright, I'll start off by describing myself - I am 18 years old going on 19 this year with 3 1/2 years of experience of working out. I was a wrestler in high school starting sophomore year @ 171lbs (5'10). I've been to a gym before this season but not seriously.
    That season was followed by a summer of working out with my experienced older brother and a cycle of sustanon 375 2shots a week for 10 weeks and no PCT (very stupid - i know i was 15, but it gets better). I got up to 206 (5'11) then I started wrestling practices all over again, which got me down to 190lbs but shredded, then throughout the season - i lost all my size so halfway through junior year i took 20 mgs/dbols every day for 6 weeks during the wrestling season, again no PCT. That summer i did another cycle - test enth 250mcg (2shots per week) for 14 weeks, the PCT seemed bogus but it was clomid and nolvadex forget mcgs - 2 squirts a week in through the mouth for 6 weeks. That summer I was up @ 211lbs - 6'0 tall. Yes I know my puberty was not a healthy one - anyway that wrestling season I took dbols @ 20mgs for 4 weeks around the states championship time in order to get that extra boost - i did win it by the way @ 189 lol.
    My diet was never too strict but it was very heavily regulated - usually it would parallel something like - 3egg whites & 2 eggs with 1 packet plain oatmeal & whole wheat toast w/ i can't believe it's not butter. Then 2-3 hours later a muscle milk, then 2-3 hours later a grilled chicken whole wheat wrap w/fresh mozzerella & roasted peppers & balsalmic vinegrette. 2-3 hours later another muscle milk - then workout 1 1/2 hours followed by recently PRO-NOS post-workout shake, then dinner whatever my mother cooks (I'm going to start cooking on my own in my following diet) but it usually had meats and she'd cook me a sweet potato if i ate before the gym on some days, then if i was hungry at night i would drink a whey protein shake w/milk.

    That's my history, oh yeah - well recently I've joined a frat (4 months ago - finished 2 months ago) so my diet was so f'ed up during that time period and i stopped working out. I'm back in the gym for 6 weeks now with only a 2 month break in 3 1/2 years off - getting all my muscle memory back now & i have those nasty thoughts of taking another cycle - i'll discuss later.

    My diet plan to start this following week (i wanted criticisms first):
    meal 1 (7:30): 3 egg whites - 51/11/0/1
    2 eggs whole - 150/12.5/10.02/1
    whole wheat english muffin - 124/6/1/27
    natural peanut butter (2tbsp) - 200/8/16/5
    sugar-free jelly (1tbsp) - 10/0/0/5
    TOTAL: 545/37/17/39

    meal 2 (10:30): bottled muscle milk - 290/28/14/14

    meal 3 (1:30): 1 1/2 cans of tuna - 330/61.5/7.5
    2 cups steamed broccoli - 50/3/0/9
    2 cups brown rice - 432/10/4/90 --> too many carbs? and is that right?
    TOTAL: 812/75/13/99

    meal 4 (4:00): bottled muscle milk - 290/28/14/14

    if workout @ 5 --> 5:00-6:30 followed by 25 mins of cardio 3x week(discuss later)

    meal 5 (6:45) or (7:15) PWO: pro-nos protein shake - 300/42/10/17

    meal 6 (7:30) or (8:00): 6oz. grilled chicken - 281/35/3/3
    2 cups steamed broccoli - 50/3/0/9
    1 cup brown rice - 216/5/2/45

    if workout @ 7 then i have meal 6 before workout @ 6:00 then PWO at 8:45 unless i do cardio that day then 9:15.

    Don't know if i should put another meal before bedtime but so far I have total:

    2784 calories/ 250g protein/ 75g fat/ 240g carb

    My cardio regimen consists of - walking 1 min @ 3.5mph, jogging 1 min @ 6.5mph, running @ 10mph, jogging @ 6.5mph, walking @ 3.5mph, then jog,run,jog,walk.jog,run (pyramid with 1 min intervals).

    My possible cycle that i would start in 3 weeks if i do (intermeadiate cycle I from the website)-
    500 mcg per week of test (whichevers on hand - enth,prop,cyp) for 12 weeks
    400 mcg per week of deca for 11 weeks (im iffy about this - decadick)
    210 mgs per week of dbols (30 per day) for 5 weeks
    3.5 mgs per week of armiadex (.5 per day) for 12 weeks

    PCT im not 100% on but i'm researching - its my first time doing it lol and i wanna do it right! clomid and nolvadex or?

    Although I am posting for the first time - I've been following the words of many on this site since my first cycle - i've researched all my info on this very website and forum.

    Thanks for all and any contributions. I can do without the name-calling for the cycles at 15 and 16. I know it was stupid, but I can only move forward - right?

  2. #2
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    I forgot my training split - sorry:
    Monday - Chest & Cardio
    Tuesday - Back & Abs
    Wednesday - Shoulders & Cardio
    Thursday - Legs (Quads, hams, & calves)
    Friday - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms & if not sore Cardio
    If no cardio on friday - one weekend day ill stop by for cardio

    However, i've been following this training split for all my 3 years with very feww tweaks and the set/reps barely changed too.
    I usually do a warm-up of 20 reps, then 4 sets of 15reps,12reps,8-10reps,then 3-8reps.
    4/5 workouts - 4 sets (5 on back and legs-not including calves)

    I've read on this website that the anabolic workouts consists of only 4 workouts a week and only an hour long of working out. I'd rather have more help on the previous comment - but if you're feeling nice I could use help here too. Thanks everybody!

  3. #3
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    you do kinow that your body adapats to a routine somewhere around 8-12 weeks? so... those 3 years you couldve done alot more!

  4. #4
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    but here you go..

    those 2 links are the basis of what you need right now, come back with goals, proposed diet with macros (pro, carbs,fat) of all foods, meals, day along with calories. then post up your BMR and your CURRENT diet and that is what we need for a proper critiqe. GL ** WATCH ALL DVD VIDEOS FIRST! BMR CALCULATIONS

    and workouts-0

  5. #5
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    always forgetting something:
    The Harris-Benedict formula calculates BMR based on total body weight


    Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)
    90.718474 kg
    182.9 cm
    18 years

    BMR = 2101

    Sedentary = Very active = BMR X 1.725

    sedentary = 3624

  6. #6
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    the BMR you gave says that you burn about 1500 calories during activity.. which is likely not the case... thats why i dont agree with the harris formula and has its flaws. its actually alot more important to play off your current numbers. if your goal is bulk or cut.. add 300-500 cals daily until obtained desirable results

  7. #7
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    my goal is to lean mass gain - ive seen the first 2 videos of the diet info already.. are the other 4 beneficial to my concerns?

  8. #8
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    yea, watch them all and come back with your CURRENT diets cals/macros

  9. #9
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    kk well my current diet as of now (not strict but regulated): (CAL/PRO/FAT/CARB)
    meal 1: 8:15 - 5 slices of turkey & 5 egg whites on whole wheat bread
    (150/25/5/5)+(85/15/1/1)+(256/8/4/48) = (491/48/10/54)
    meal 2 11:00 - muscle milk
    meal 3 1:00 - beef empanada from a lunch truck by work & sirloin steak (garbage)
    ESTIMATING (SH*T I NEVER KNEW!) - (1150/37/81/68)+(180/40/7/1)=(1330/77/88/69)
    ^^^^the quality can't be as good as online nutritional facts but its close enough i guess
    meal 4 2:15 - roast beef with yellow american cheese on a plain wrap (lunch provided @ work)
    meal 5 4:00 or 4:30 (depending on fullness): muscle milk
    meal 6: mother's cooking for dinner
    mothers dinner ? - (2000/50/20/60)
    workout: 6:30 - 8 (cardio 8-8:30)
    meal 7 8:30 or 9:00 (cardio) PWO: pro nos shake w/ 1+1/2 cup milk

    Total: (5266/317/191/247)

    meal 8 (around 12 or 1) if im hungry - before bed a muscle milk

    Total w/muscle milk: (5506/345/205/261)

    this isnt a true diet obviously but i do sort of watch what i eat - i dont eat candy/junk food at least , but i admit some sundays i might have a sundae

  10. #10
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    although the quality in some of the foods ain't too great - i'm surprised i'm not continuously gaining weight by the week - i'm maintaining my weight which hovers around 195-200 week in/out..i never realized til i macro'd my diet how sh*tty it is man .. wow.. i don't look 200 (im not fat and im big even though i dont think i am) - i have a big frame which has me wondering whether ill join bodybuilding in the near future - since i am sort of a guru for all the other 18 year olds my age and now all my frat brothers that workout - i do get stares from older guys in the gym (not bragging) since i am reasonably lean&strong and do head-turning workouts.. i will update with pictures once i force my little brother to take em (tomorrow)
    Last edited by YoungGunsNY; 06-16-2009 at 10:41 PM.

  11. #11
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Diet= too many shakes, not enough real food

    18 way too young to be screwing up your HPTA, but you probably already screwed it up so you will most likely have medical issues very early in life, like NO LIBIDO, NO ERECTIONS, NO mention just a few

  12. #12
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    what HPTA - guessing the first h is hormone .. but i understand that shit now - i didnt think at 15 or 16.. i regret taking it but right now i'm trying not to do it but i want to so bad man, so bad!

  13. #13
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    HPTA is Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis this is the endocrine primary androgen and testosterone making area for males, simply put the pituitary gland (anterior) releases to gonadal hormones LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and (FSH) Follicle Stimulating Hormone) these two are released into the blood stream and when they reach the testicles the tell the Leydig cells in the testicles to produce Testosterone.

    You're about to shut yours down........

  14. #14
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post

    HPTA is Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis this is the endocrine primary androgen and testosterone making area for males, simply put the pituitary gland (anterior) releases to gonadal hormones LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and (FSH) Follicle Stimulating Hormone) these two are released into the blood stream and when they reach the testicles the tell the Leydig cells in the testicles to produce Testosterone.

    You're about to shut yours down

  15. #15
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    Okay, thanks for the brutal honesty - I've been rethinking the cycle but this is strongly advising me to stay away from it - but its hard because I remember how it is working out on the stuff man, and I've been preparing myself todo so for almost a month.. arghh lol but as of now everythings fine..and it always was..only on my first cycle of sust i experienced morning wood nd that's about it besides a smaller sperm count most likely

  16. #16
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
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    Okay, thanks for the brutal honesty - I've been rethinking the cycle but this is strongly advising me to stay away from it - but its hard because I remember how it is working out on the stuff man, and I've been preparing myself todo so for almost a month.. arghh lol but as of now everythings fine..and it always was..only on my first cycle of sust i experienced morning wood nd that's about it besides a smaller sperm count most likely

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