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  1. #1
    SP1 is offline Associate Member
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    calorie cycling?

    Whats going on fellas. I was wondering how this worked exactly. I read that you shouldn't be at a calorie deficit for more than 3 to 4 days. So I was wondering and this seems to be debated. The food that I eat today, will it fuel me for tomorrow or today. Becasue I would rather eat the higher calories when I will make the best use of them! Any thoughts??

  2. #2
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    wehre is your source of info? are youa dvising during cutting diet that you should not be caloric deficient more more than 3-4 days?

  3. #3
    Orlando Rocket's Avatar
    Orlando Rocket is offline Junior Member
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    Try to use a Carb cycling diet, (you have to be strict with your macros), it works good for me. I hit a plateau when using a standard diet (same macros every day) and didn't loose weight for several months, by carb cycling you are slightly over your maintenance calories on the re-feed (carb up) days.

  4. #4
    SP1 is offline Associate Member
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    Well I read it and Ive seen it in different place that it's not healthy to be at a deficit for more than 3, 4 days. Also that it will keep you dropping as opposed to plateauing. I did the deficit for three months but towards the last month I was feeling beat up. Now the other side to the question was; does the food we eat today fuel todays workout or tomorrows??

  5. #5
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by SP1 View Post
    Well I read it and Ive seen it in different place that it's not healthy to be at a deficit for more than 3, 4 days. Also that it will keep you dropping as opposed to plateauing. I did the deficit for three months but towards the last month I was feeling beat up. Now the other side to the question was; does the food we eat today fuel todays workout or tomorrows??
    of course if you eat carbs pre workout meal they will fuel your workout...if you carb load before bed then in the AM you will have energy.

  6. #6
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    the calorie deficeit not being good for u, this is why
    wen ur in a defeict ur body slows down its metablism, im not going to explain how since u dont seem to have a great knowledge in nutrition
    basicaly ur body does this as a survival instinct coz it thinks its starving
    thus if it slows ur metabalism ull burn less food and have less chances of loosing weight
    this is why many people platue in weight loss, its also the reason u began to feel run down because ur body was going through this process
    some of the bodys ways to combat calorie defeciets are, decrease in thyroid outputs, loss of muscle glyogen stores, breaking down protein in glucose, low leptin levels, higher insulin sensitivity etc etc
    these things and more are the reasons why u feel run down, there also the reasons why weight loss becomes harder, and rebound weight gain become more likely
    the way to combat this is carb cycling, u can do this in many ways
    u can so low carbs for 3 days then 1 high carb day, or do low carb, medium carb, low carb then a high carb cycle, or
    how about no carb, high carb cycling
    wateva u choose to do, basically they all work, u just have to get ur calculations right
    just make sure that if u do a 4 day carb cycle, wen u add up how many calories uve eaten in those 4 days u should be in a deficeit,

    the reason why u carb cycle, is when ur body begins to go through its survival mechanism u go into a short period of light calorie surplus or large depending on how u cycle, which prevents ur body from slowing its metabalsim, coz it thinks its back into a calorie surplus, meaning it needs to burn food again

    also the calorie defieciet is NOT debated, u should not be in a calorie defieceit for a long time, eventually u will have to go back to a calorie surplus or balanced diet since u cant go on living in a defecit for the rest of ur life
    there is no period that is suggested or known that u should be in a calorie defeciet for
    everyone has there own opinions
    the one thing u can agree on is u should not remain in a large calorie defeciet for a long period of time, most people would say u should not be in a large defeceit ever
    but everyone reacts different to different situations
    here are some guidlines
    u should not go below a 500 calorie defeciet in a day, their are people who go lower but they sacrifice the risk of muscle loss, health issues, emotional problems etc
    however some people can go lower but make up for it in folloing days, or use drugs or anabolics to help combat alot of the issues
    remeber a much as cardio burns calories, it also spikes hunger, uses both fat, muscle and glycogen stores as fuel, its part of the bodys survival mechanism, so excess cardio can be counter productive to ur long term fat loss goals
    a solid protein consumption should be consumed in order to preserve muscle and help feel full along with protein other benefits, do sum research to find out how much ull need

    wen u carb cycle make sure ur high carb day replenishes ur muscle glycogen stores
    wen u do s high carb day avoid fats since theyll be more likely to be stored
    hope this helps
    if u need more info try typing "carbohydrate cycling" in google, n do some reading

  7. #7
    SP1 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the info.

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