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  1. #1
    ziggz is offline Junior Member
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    Some questions about Milos Sarcev's video

    Hey guys.. I know have another thread going on about my diet, but I figured this merited it's own thread.

    I just watched Milos's video on nutrition and I have a few questions I was wondering if someone could answer.

    1) For an endomorphic body type, Milos basically says to eat 1g of protein per lb body weight and 100 g carbs. He then goes to explain how fat will basically come from the foods required to eat those protein and carbs.. but if my math is correct, for a 200lb endomorphic person, he would need to consume 200g protein + 100g carbs. At 4 calories a gram, 300 x 4 = 1200 cals. If he's on a 2500 cal/daily diet, that means he still has 2500 - 1200 = 1300 cals left to eat. It seems like the only thing left is fat. At 9 cals a gram of fat, 1300 / 9 = is about 144g fat, which doesn't seem right, as Milos stresses to keep fat intake low.. so how does this work?

    2) Milos claims to have some simple sugars after a workout.. but does this apply to even those people who are dieting and trying to lose a lot of fat? What kind and how much simple sugars should a non-bodybuilder, regular fat person trying to lose weight eat after a cardio workout?

    3) Milos went through a scenario where a woman trying to lose weight lowers her caloric intake from 2000 cals to 1000 cals to 500 cals, and because muscle requires far more calories to maintain than fat, the body simply stops maintaining it to lower its metabolic rate. In the end, you end up burning muscle and not fat. What he says you need to do instead is continue eating your maintenance caloric intake (2000 cals for this woman), but eat more meals a day, lift weights to add lean mass, and exercise. This is supposed to elevate your metabolism. What confuses me about this though is why in the latter scenario does your body burn up stored fat to get the additional calories it needs.. it seems like from his example in the first scenario that unless you're eating exactly enough calories you need for maintanence, your body will simply burn up muscle and not touch fat, as it requires far more calories to maintain muscle than fat.

    4) Final question. When Milos is breaking down the amount of protein required per meal, it seems that even at the low end, a 200lb person eating 1g of protein per lb body weight would need to take 40g of protein per meal (if he were eating 5 meals a day). That sounds pretty incredible, because I'm pretty sure I h eard him say how typically 3 -4 oz of lean meat is usually only about 20g of protein. That means you almost need to eat half a pound of meat a meal (5 meals a day) to get the required protein.. How does anyone do that?

    Thanks guys!
    Last edited by ziggz; 07-14-2009 at 03:16 AM.

  2. #2
    makod's Avatar
    makod is offline Associate Member
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    How does anyone do that? I said to myself a couple months ago 'how bad do i want this'. My goal being 90-95kg 10%bf. And i replied to myself "FVCKING BAD!". So whatever it takes over the next few years i will do it. Part of that is going and spending $50 on meat/week, training hard after a hard days work then going home after that and start cooking.

    Maybe you should ask yourself the same question. If its anything like mine get stuck into this site, keep on your diet thread and start training.

  3. #3
    -Ender-'s Avatar
    -Ender- is offline Not Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziggz View Post
    4) Final question. When Milos is breaking down the amount of protein required per meal, it seems that even at the low end, a 200lb person eating 1g of protein per lb body weight would need to take 40g of protein per meal (if he were eating 5 meals a day). That sounds pretty incredible, because I'm pretty sure I h eard him say how typically 3 -4 oz of lean meat is usually only about 20g of protein. That means you almost need to eat half a pound of meat a meal (5 meals a day) to get the required protein.. How does anyone do that?
    EAT and eat again, after that, eat more. you will get used to it.

  4. #4
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziggz View Post
    Hey guys.. I know have another thread going on about my diet, but I figured this merited it's own thread.

    I just watched Milos's video on nutrition and I have a few questions I was wondering if someone could answer.

    1) For an endomorphic body type, Milos basically says to eat 1g of protein per lb body weight and 100 g carbs. He then goes to explain how fat will basically come from the foods required to eat those protein and carbs.. but if my math is correct, for a 200lb endomorphic person, he would need to consume 200g protein + 100g carbs. At 4 calories a gram, 300 x 4 = 1200 cals. If he's on a 2500 cal/daily diet, that means he still has 2500 - 1200 = 1300 cals left to eat. It seems like the only thing left is fat. At 9 cals a gram of fat, 1300 / 9 = is about 144g fat, which doesn't seem right, as Milos stresses to keep fat intake low.. so how does this work?
    try to keep in mind that this video is presented to you so you have an IDEA of what dieting should look like.. what im trying to do for you is help you build a diet based upon YOUR needs... you will be eating more protien and carbs then stated above.. the video is just to get you going in the right direction

    2) Milos claims to have some simple sugars after a workout.. but does this apply to even those people who are dieting and trying to lose a lot of fat? What kind and how much simple sugars should a non-bodybuilder, regular fat person trying to lose weight eat after a cardio workout?
    that applies to everyone.. semi-simple and simple carbs pwo is essential for even the heaviest of people

    3) Milos went through a scenario where a woman trying to lose weight lowers her caloric intake from 2000 cals to 1000 cals to 500 cals, and because muscle requires far more calories to maintain than fat, the body simply stops maintaining it to lower its metabolic rate. In the end, you end up burning muscle and not fat. What he says you need to do instead is continue eating your maintenance caloric intake (2000 cals for this woman), but eat more meals a day, lift weights to add lean mass, and exercise. This is supposed to elevate your metabolism. What confuses me about this though is why in the latter scenario does your body burn up stored fat to get the additional calories it needs.. it seems like from his example in the first scenario that unless you're eating exactly enough calories you need for maintanence, your body will simply burn up muscle and not touch fat, as it requires far more calories to maintain muscle than fat.
    what he's talking about there is not for someone who is at a high bf... if you wanna lose weight and gain mass or at least maintain mass you need to eat your maint level calories and do CARDIO... i know it's confusing, the diet game is a very senstive one.. we like to start people on a 300 calorie deficit... as in, i would put you 300 minus your tdee as your intake... but this would vary based upon the persons goals... btw, i checked out your bmr/tdee, we need to recalculate it, especialy since your gonna be working out..

    4) Final question. When Milos is breaking down the amount of protein required per meal, it seems that even at the low end, a 200lb person eating 1g of protein per lb body weight would need to take 40g of protein per meal (if he were eating 5 meals a day). That sounds pretty incredible, because I'm pretty sure I h eard him say how typically 3 -4 oz of lean meat is usually only about 20g of protein. That means you almost need to eat half a pound of meat a meal (5 meals a day) to get the required protein.. How does anyone do that?
    i eat 375g of protien a day.. it's very simple when divided between 7 meals a day.. i eat 6-8oz of meat per serving.. and so will you if you wanna get your diet down correctly.. but we'll get to that in the other thread you got going on..
    Thanks guys!
    hope that answers everything

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