im starting a new job next week
wich will make it harder for me to
diet like i have been

i,ll be out the house now between 6-7 till about 3
so could be doing with some help in between these hours
on how to eat as i cant stop to prepare anything
and im always on the go so dont really get lunch
breaks etc

i have this in the morning before i leave

6:30/7:00 breakfast = two oatibix with semi skimmed milk
peice of fruit and a protein shake

i was thinkin of makin up a couple of chicken
breasts with some veg to spread through out the day
at maybe say 11 and 1:30
so that would be three meals
then at around 3:30 have some natural youghart with fruit + shake
at around 6:30 have my normal evening meal
gym at 8/8:30 till 9:30
brown bread sandwich turkey/chicken/tuna+ light mayo + shake

then bed

what you think guys ??

all help wecome i.e. i can swap meals for shakes here etc