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  1. #1
    fastwardo's Avatar
    fastwardo is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2009

    Trying carb cycling-anyone else have success with this?

    I've been training for 3 years pretty seriously, and I've gained a tremendous amount of muscle and lost a ton of fat, but I'm having trouble getting rid of this layer of fat.

    I'm 25 years old
    bf %=15

    I've been reading about carb cycling, and I've decided to give it a try. My diet right now is pretty on point, but I stopped losing any more fat on it. I lost about 20lbs of fat in the last 7 months, but for the last 3 months the fatloss has all but stopped. Hopefully carb cycling will help kickstart the rest of this fatburning. I also bought clenbuterol to help speed this up and retain muscle, but I am going to hold off on starting it to see how this new diet will work naturally.

    Has anyone else had success with this?
    I will post pics soon if people are interested in seeing a before and after thing, but I just started this diet today. Any advice or encouragement will help! Thanks!

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    cant help you with the carb cycling as that is something im also starting to look into.........but i can tell you that holding off on the clen and seeing how the carb cycling works is the best idea....if your at 15% now....the carb cycling might get you down to 12% then the clen could help you blast into single figures..

  3. #3
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    Nightmares of bad kids
    Read this to have a general idea.

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