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  1. #1
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Cutting - night meal

    I work out at night sometimes (1-2am) after I get off work. I am trying to cut my bf to about 6% then maintain then bulk. But if I cut carbs out at night and do pro/fat meals, what should I do for my last meal if it is pwo? My workout is usually 40 minutes of weight lifting followed by low intensity cardio until I reach the 1.5 hour mark. after weight lifting I drink isopure protein and take bcaa.

    1) what should my last meal look like if it is also my pwo meal?

    2) I have all natural pb and when i compared the labels to some skippy pb the cals were pretty much identical... does that mean my pb is shit?

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
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    nobody knows?

  3. #3
    Alphatier's Avatar
    Alphatier is offline Member
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    If your PWO meal is before bed I would do a protein/fat meal.

    Something like Lean Red Meat and EFA's (EVOO, Fish Oil, Flax Seed Oil).

    Meat is already absorbed slwoly, and the healthy fats will slow down digestion even further.

    Or you could also have a Casein shake with EFA's instead of meat.

    I wouldn't recommend normal Whey protein without anything else because absorbtion is very fast, and you'll have an empty stomach for the rest of the night.

    BCAA's is also a good idea right before hitting the bed sheets.

    Natural PB is better because it's usually lower in carbs and has no sugar.

  4. #4
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    I like lean's suggestion

    Of red meat and fish oil

    If you can and if you got it in you, maybe try to wake up in the middle of the night for a casein shake and EFAs. .

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by lean n' mean View Post
    If your PWO meal is before bed I would do a protein/fat meal.

    Something like Lean Red Meat and EFA's (EVOO, Fish Oil, Flax Seed Oil).

    Meat is already absorbed slwoly, and the healthy fats will slow down digestion even further.

    Or you could also have a Casein shake with EFA's instead of meat.

    I wouldn't recommend normal Whey protein without anything else because absorbtion is very fast, and you'll have an empty stomach for the rest of the night.

    BCAA's is also a good idea right before hitting the bed sheets.

    Natural PB is better because it's usually lower in carbs and has no sugar.
    i agree with most of this, but my problem with it is that it isn't incorporating the fact that there are several types of proteins at our disposal and they can be used interchangable

    so to the OP, my suggestion IF PWO is also your last meal would be something along these lines

    15-20g of protein worth of whey protein isolate
    30-40g of protein worth of red meat
    fish oil

    a low GI carb source could be used if you want to as well to increase protein synthesis, but pairing these proteins will create a spike of amino acids in the bloodstream that gradually will go down as the whey is digested and the beef starts to digest(creating a trickle effect throughout the night)

  6. #6
    Twist's Avatar
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    I love you guys.
    2) my peanut butter:16g fat - o trans, 2.5 saturated
    50mg sodium, 6g carbs - 1g sugar, 2g fiber

    Does this sound right? serving size is 2 tbsp = 32g

    I like to eat a big spoonful (BIG). is this too much?

  7. #7
    bigrich4's Avatar
    bigrich4 is offline Associate Member
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    I know I'm a newbie but for the past week or so I have been eating a chicken breast, avacado (per Jam's orders) and green beans..I dont feel to full to go to sleep and its good fat, protein and some veggies

  8. #8
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrich4 View Post
    I know I'm a newbie but for the past week or so I have been eating a chicken breast, avacado (per Jam's orders) and green beans..I dont feel to full to go to sleep and its good fat, protein and some veggies
    this does not answer my question... thanks anyway though bro!

  9. #9
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I love you guys.
    2) my peanut butter:16g fat - o trans, 2.5 saturated
    50mg sodium, 6g carbs - 1g sugar, 2g fiber

    Does this sound right? serving size is 2 tbsp = 32g

    I like to eat a big spoonful (BIG). is this too much?
    drop the pb for evoo/fish oils..

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