So my gf introduced me to these veggie burgers from M&M Meats. I almost laughed when she told me to try em. I'm a chicken a beef kinda of guy but anyways, gave them a shot.

WOW, these things are like a miracle to me. Don't mistake them for burgers or you'll be really disapointed. But honestly, there the only thing that keep me eating clean when i get home around 7:00 and dread the thought of cooking. For one, your can drop them in the microwave for about 1.5 minutes and they don't turn out like crap like meat does. They are dirt cheap (about 1 canadian dollar per portion) and finally they have about 18 grams of <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> for a very modest portion size (you could have like 4-5 with a meal and not feel stuffed).

I highly recommend it if you need something that takes no prep time and don't want to fall into the trap of just eating whatever is around.