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Thread: Cutting Diet?

  1. #1
    SolarTint is offline Junior Member
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    Cutting Diet?

    i found this in my computer a while back,

    8am – 1st Meal – Egg White Omelette with ½ cup of Turkey (10 whites, 1 yolk); 1 cup of Oatmeal with skim milk and ½ chopped banana
    10am – 2nd Meal – Protein Shake with water
    12pm – 3rd Meal – Chicken Breast Fillet with 1 cup of broccoli & sweet potato
    2pm – 4th Meal – Fish (Salmon Fillet) with 1 cup of broccoli & basmati rice
    4pm – 5th Meal – Protein Shake with water with 1/2 apple
    6pm – 6th Meal – Beef ( Lamb leg steak or lean topside/centre cut rump) with salad (Lettuce/tomatoes/cucumber/Spanish onion/capsicum)
    8pm – 7th Meal – Protein Shake with water
    10pm – 8th Meal – Egg White Omelette with ½ cup of Turkey (10 whites, 1 yolk)

  2. #2
    bcbrett is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2009
    what stage of cutting is this for? How many weeks out?

    The only fats are two egg yolks and the fat from the beef or lamb?
    Wheres your efas?
    Three protein shakes a day is too much in my opinion.
    I dont really know what basmati rice is but i believe its white so omit and replace with brown.
    Try and have the beef meal as the last one as it is slower digesting and will last longer thru out the nite.

    I believe there are some solid meals heres such as 1, 3, 4 if after workout, and 6.

    Would also need macros and stats to judge more

  3. #3
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SolarTint View Post
    i found this in my computer a while back,

    8am – 1st Meal – Egg White Omelette with ½ cup of Turkey (10 whites, 1 yolk); 1 cup of Oatmeal with skim milk and ½ chopped banana
    10am – 2nd Meal – Protein Shake with water
    12pm – 3rd Meal – Chicken Breast Fillet with 1 cup of broccoli & sweet potato
    2pm – 4th Meal – Fish (Salmon Fillet) with 1 cup of broccoli & basmati rice
    4pm – 5th Meal – Protein Shake with water with 1/2 apple
    6pm – 6th Meal – Beef ( Lamb leg steak or lean topside/centre cut rump) with salad (Lettuce/tomatoes/cucumber/Spanish onion/capsicum)
    8pm – 7th Meal – Protein Shake with water
    10pm – 8th Meal – Egg White Omelette with ½ cup of Turkey (10 whites, 1 yolk)
    Allow me to use jamyjamr's sticky :

    Welcome to the diet forum....

    if you have not already done so, post up your stats

    goals.. be specific

    please take the time to follow these directions, they will better prepair the both of us for the critique and tweaking of your diet..

    you need to figure our your BMR (this is the basal metabolic rate of your body... which means if you were to do nothing all day, ur body would burn these many calories)

    once u'v figured out your BMR, u need your TDEE (this is your total daily energy expenditure, it's based upon your activity level)

    But first things first, please post up your current diet.. you have to be brutally honest about what you've been eating on average for the last few weeks so i know where your metabolism is at..
    please include macros

    MACROS = pro/fat/cal/carb of every meal and a daily total on the bottom
    you can use fitday . com to help you our with this... be as detailed and specific as possible

    please include the time of when u eat and the time of your workout


    6am pro/carb/fat/cal
    10 egg whites 50/0/0/200
    1/2 cup oats- 3/50/2/218


    1g protien - 4cal
    1g carb - 4cal
    1g fat - 9cal
    1g alcohol - 8cal (some would argue 7)

    also tell me what your workout reg is...

    BMR formula #1 (if you bf is high, use this one... you need an accurate bf reading)

    BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

    in order to figure out your bmr, you need to know what your lean body mass is.. so, in turn, u need to know what your body fat percentage is...

    if you dont know your bodyfat percentage, go to your gym and get tested (please dont use electronic scales to get your bf checked, they're horrible)

    if you cannot find a gym to get tested at, please post up a picture for estimates, we're pretty good at it (you also have the option of pming it to me if you have more then 25 posts)

    Total weight x bf in decimel form = total bf weight

    Total weight - total bf weight = total lean body mass

    if your total lean body mass is in lbs, u can divide it by 2.2 to get it in kilograms..

    for example..

    i am 6'4 275lbs at 14% bf... so i would multiply 275 by .14 (converted from percent to decimal)= 38.5lbs

    275 - 38.5 = 236.5lbs lean body weight

    236.5 / 2.2 = 107.5 lean mass in kg

    370 + (21.6 x 107.5) = 2692 BMR (this is high for the average person, im a big guy)

    BMR formula #2 (only to be used if your bf is low)

    Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

    female BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )


    Once u have you bmr, u need to calculate your TDEE, this is simply done with some multiplication...

    you can multiply it by an activity number to figure out your daily caloric expenditure, be honest here as this is the very cornerstone of your diet, if you are between two of the below activity levels then just multiply by a number in between them

    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

  4. #4
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    Nightmares of bad kids
    Too less fats and those pro shake alone are useless. Add fats to them in order to make them real meals.

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