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  1. #1
    mckensel is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009

    College foods help please!!

    Okay like it says im a college student on a pretty tight budget around 75 a week. So far this is my diet and i would love to have some more options and suggestions.

    breakfest: oatmeal, banana, low fat milk

    snack: 5-7 egg whites, whole wheat toast and whey shake

    lunch: either make like hamburger helper with lean beef or do a couple cans of tuna with a spoon of pb. Something quick

    snack:canned white chicken breast. 1 or 2 cans depending on how full i am and when i can get to the gym.

    pwo: two scoops whey protien, either can of tuna or canned chicken.

    dinner: about 2 hours after working out. I normally either do grilled chicken with about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of brown rice and either green beans or i just throw in small fruites like oranges or apples.

    bed time snack: cottage cheese and oranges or some peanuts. with a nice tall class of milk.

    and do take in to account i get many calories from drinking once or twice a week/weekend. But i am going to cut out the drinking to maybe once a week while i am preparing to get started for my first cycle.

    Currently i am 5'10
    179-182 lbs
    body fat ranges from 6-8% bf depending on if i am in training for track or not.
    right now its around 10/12% sense i pulled my groan muscle this off season.

    any help with a few new ideas on what i can eat would be great and if you see anything i can change to help see better gains it would be greatly appriceated.

    Right now supplement wise im just taking

    animal flex
    100% on whey
    creatin mono
    mega men multi

    Remember i am in a pre state for a cycle to start around nov. Looking at doing test e/dbol or if you have any suggestions for a good first cycle as well let me know so i can read about it and ask around about it.

    Enjoy, thanks in advance for the help.

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    spend the money for your cycle on food.

  3. #3
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    Nightmares of bad kids
    The cycle is useless if you're not eating enough. You can put on mass without roid, but you can't grow without food.

  4. #4
    mckensel is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    ya im not going to spend any money yet. So i am just needing some more options on good food i can purchase that is fairly cheap and easy to make. Again i am not going to start a cycle or for that matter purchase a cycle untill i meet this last goal of getting to 200lb around 12bf. If i can get there and still be able to compete in track that is.

  5. #5
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    Nightmares of bad kids
    Brown rice, beans, sweet potato, oat, veggies...
    Meat, fish, eggs...
    flax, fish, olive oil; peanut butter, almonds...

  6. #6
    mckensel is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    already doing that bro i was hoping for some other things to help out changing things up. it gets old after a while eating the same stuff week after week ya know haha. Thanks for the post though. keepem coming please

  7. #7
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm going to school full time and working part time just to afford the extra food. I still stay within about 100 a week and get everything i need. Buy in bulk its cheaper but if you really cant afford it food should always come first

  8. #8
    mckensel is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    oh ya food is no problem i either have the prepared foood the staff makes or i can go back to my apt and cook my own food which i like doing so i can sit after a long day and drink a beer and watch tv instead of sitting at a table with 20 douche bags that only talk about track. I figure if i really needed to too i could spend around 100 - 120 on food a week if i really needed to. Cut out some stuff i could do that. but Any one of any like meals they kind of came up with cause right now im rocking the chicken and brown rice about 4 times a week and tuna and wheat crackers every day along with egg whites and oatmeal every morning. Just something new to change things up.

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